Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes is a weekly feature. Here we will dish on tidbits, news, and important things we thinking Working Girls should know. So scroll down to hear what we think you should glean from this work week.
  • Apparently perfectionism has its drawbacks! According to research in, participants who had a "high perfectionism" factor to their personality had a 51% increased risk of premature death compared to their laid-back counterparts. [NY Daily News]
  • Last Tuesday, a group of Swedish feminists burned 100,000 Swedish kroner (about $13,000) to protest the pay gap in Sweden. The group chose this particular amount of money to represent the funds women don't receive every minute in comparsion to men. [Jezebel]
  • A new study found that 8 out 10 young career women say they would freeze their eggs to delay motherhood and forge ahead with their work. [Express UK]


Melanie's Randomness said...

Well good for those Swedish Feminists!! I can't imagine how big the wages gap is!!

Jill said...

wow that is a lot of money to burn! I wouldn't freeze my eggs