And I'm back in the game! After a horrible experience with Comcast, I decided to get cable from a different provider who came out the next day to install! How great is that? So I finally have the Internet in my new abode and therefore am back to blogging. Sorry for the hiatus, but I think it was good for me to have a teensy break as I have been uber busy.
It has only been two weeks since I left New York and so much has changed. I moved into my new studio apartment, which is fabulous. I seriously feel like this place was made for me. I have the perfect sized kitchen with all new Electrolux appliances (and a dishwasher!). I have a washer and dryer, a jacuzzi tub, a fireplace, and a sick patio that I intend to use once it's warmer than 19 degrees outside. My dad was instrumental in helping me A) find the place and B) furnish the place so I can't tell you how grateful I am to him. Without my dad, I would have a bed...and that's it. Below is a picture of my new studio (except it's an old picture from when other people lived here)! I'm in love <3
It has only been two weeks since I left New York and so much has changed. I moved into my new studio apartment, which is fabulous. I seriously feel like this place was made for me. I have the perfect sized kitchen with all new Electrolux appliances (and a dishwasher!). I have a washer and dryer, a jacuzzi tub, a fireplace, and a sick patio that I intend to use once it's warmer than 19 degrees outside. My dad was instrumental in helping me A) find the place and B) furnish the place so I can't tell you how grateful I am to him. Without my dad, I would have a bed...and that's it. Below is a picture of my new studio (except it's an old picture from when other people lived here)! I'm in love <3

I also have seen my girlfriends from high school quite a few times, which again is a huge change. I used to come back to Chicago maybe 3 or 4 times a year for holidays and maybe a visit in the summer, and I would see the girls once the whole time I was home maybe for dinner and a few drinks. But now I get to see them every moment I want to, which is amazing!
And work is out of this world different. In some good ways and some bad.
This week is officially my third week at my new company and I'm still getting adjusted to all the differences between my old job and my new job. And since there are quite a few (and since this blog is all about working), I thought I would list the great new things about my job and some of the not-so-great (quite yet) things about my new job.
1. My benefits are the bomb. At my old job, I just had health benefits (and they weren't even that great). At my new job, I have health, dental and vision. Yes, vision! Which means I can get a new set of frames yearly! How cool is that?
2. My new desk is ginormous. Yes, I still sit in a cubicle, but it could practically be an office it is so large. I finally have enough room to stretch my legs, enough room to hold every file of every project I will ever work on, and still have room to have a impromptu dance party (I mean you never know).
3. My boss is maybe the nicest man alive. Every person I have met so far at work has told me that I am the luckiest person to be working for him. Unlike The Boss, he seems to just care about the work you do, not what time you get in the office. And he offers to get me coffee, not the other way around. And to top it all off, he has known me about two weeks and he gave me a bottle of wine as a holiday present!
1. Everything starts earlier in Chicago. It is a large understatement to say that I am not a morning person...just ask anyone who has lived with me. I am cranky and about half dead when I wake up. And in order to be in work on time, I have to wake up at 6 am on a daily basis. At my old company, we didn't start work until 9 am, so I usually woke up around 7:30. It is a rough adjustment.
2. I have to look good all the time. My new company has a stricter dress policy than my old company. In New York, I wore jeans about 4-5 times a week, but at my new company we dress up. I have almost run out of outfits, which I guess means I have to go shopping (what a shame). Also, the fact that I need to look nice all day also means that I have to wake up earlier to do those girly things like straighten my hair and apply make-up. These are things I really do enjoy, just not at 6 am.
3. I am already out of this world busy. In the next two months, I have a conference and a sales trip (to Key West!) to plan. And last week I had to be at work at 7 am (again, I am not a morning person), to work on another event we had going on. Although I am happy that I have just been thrown into things (since I learn by doing), I also wish I had gotten somewhat of a grace period to ease into things. Instead, I am in bed most nights by 10 pm.
Overall, I am still adjusting. There are a lot of other things going on that of course are stressful - like a little thing called Christmas. I still haven't done any of my shopping. I'm also broke. So, I'm taking things one step at a time.
But to be cheesy, I am loving being back in my sweet home Chicago.
Washer and dryer you say?
Welcome [back] to Chicago!! And congratulations and everything.
Yay! Sounds like your transition has been pretty smooth. Your apartment looks great and your job sounds fantastic!
I'm moving soon too, I hope I can adjust as easily!
Oh my goodness... your apartment looks AMAZING!!!! I'm super jealous right now.... if only that sort of thing existed in NYC. I'm so glad things are working out for you... waking up early sucks but maybe you'll get used to it. I'm also not a morning person at all and usually *get* to work at around 7:15-7:30 every morning, and thats with a 45 min commute. It sucks, but it's definitely not as bad as it used to be. Best of luck to you!
The new place looks awesome!!
I'm glad you're enjoying it!!
There's nothing better than enjoying a new place...and the perks sound great...and the bad stuff doesn't sound too bad! (only b/c I'm orginally from GA and I can't used to everything in DC starting so "late"). Have fun shopping for new should be able to get some good deals online (esp. during the after christmas sales). Good luck!
Sounds amazin! (with the exception of the cold weather. I'm partial to warmer climates. I'm convinced that hell is something like Antartica.)
um, i want your apartment. jealous!
Is this the honeymoon phase? Enjoy every second of it.
Apt. looks great!
key west is one of my favorite places in the world. you will have an amazing time.
Wow! Sounds like you are adjusting to chicago life well!
Good luck and I LOVE the studio!
Neat apartment! It's well equipped with all the necessary stuff without looking overcrowded.
Have fun catching up with friends more often and don't worry about the early morning wake-up, you'll get used to it!
Great to hear about the positive developments in your life since you took the plunge and moved to Chicago. :)
I hate mornings too and I understand what you mean about doing girly things. Most times I don't put on makeup or take it with me and do it in the bathroom when I get a break. lol.
Best of wishes. It sounds like your off the a great start. Oh and I bet you love the vision plan. I did when I got my job and actually had my own benefits. :)
Congrats! It sounds like you are very happy :) I LOVE the apartment too! You definitely couldn't snag something like that in NYC without spending a fortune, right?!
Look nice and bit cosy.Good to hear tht ya blend well wth the new environment..
Congrats on the AWESOME apartment and job!
I understand the morning thing - I have to be at work at 5:45am. The only thing that keeps me getting up every morning is remembering when I had to be at work at 5am and that there are people out there who have to be at work EARLIER than me!
Keep smiling, set your coffee pot up the night before, if you need to, find one with a timer and take your time adjusting to the morning while at work. It'll get easier and you'll find your way. I know I do!
yay :) sounds like things are going great for you :) so glad! you deserve it girl!
Congratulations for getting right into things! Your apartment is adorable, and hearing your tales about your new job are going to be so exciting and inspiring!
Good luck with the morning thing....
Your apartment looks fantastic! :-) I wish the studio I had lived in for two years was half as nice as yours looks. :-)
the apartment is SO AWESOME! So jealous!
New job sounds awesome! Good luck adjusting!
You're new place looks awesome! Congrats again!
Congrats Windy City Girl!!!
Love your place. Dont' stress the wardrobe. Get a few key pieces now, then gradually buy stuff (like a sweater/skirt/pants/suit per month).
Glad you're adjusting!!! I feel you on Comcast - I wish someone told me sooner.
Your new place is absolutely fab! And a NICE boss? Who could ask for anything more?! :)
Wow that's a NICE pad! That kitchen blows away the one in my house. I feel for you having to get up that early and not being a morning person. I'm not either and I get up at 5:10 every day so I can leave work at 3:30 (I commute 1 hour and 25 minutes each direction). I am jealous you got to experience NY and Chicago, I am a Cali girl and never have been to the east coast. Congrats on your new life!
Congrats on the move, new place and new job. Gorgeous apartment!
Your apartment is gorgeous!! I dream of having Electrolux appliances someday! If you don't mind me asking what you do for a living. Your job sounds really interesting:-)
Wow, I like the apartment. It's really cute. Well, i'm glad that you got a great job and place. Look on the bright side, you get to see your dad and your friends more often.
i'm soooooo happy 4 u girl... :)
Congratulations on a successful transition! Beyond jealous at teh apartment picture, and especially of you having a washer and dryer in the pad. Beyond. Hope everything is going well!
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