Monday, July 20, 2009

The Honeymoon is Over

Things have changed drastically since my old boss quit and moved on to greener pastures, and I can't decide if I'm happy about it or not.

On paper everything sounds great. I had a sit down talk with my new boss, who I have heard horror stories about but has been nothing but kind to me, and she pretty much told me that she didn't need an assistant nor did she want one in the future. Which is when I began to panic because in addition to helping with special projects and running the events, I was an assistant to my old boss and without being an assistant, it seemed like my job would be axed.

Turns out I was wrong. My new boss told me that instead of getting rid of me, they wanted to have me start training to be a Project Manager. Under this new title, I would be working on projects internally such as the launch of our new consumer website and I would still get to manage the events we have throughout the year.

While this sounds picture perfect (aka I get a semi-promotion, possibly more money, a better title, etc.), I still can't help feeling a little weary about the whole thing. True, it's a great opportunity, but a little bit of me inside keeps saying, "Is this really what you want to do with your life?"

With events, it's like I've finally found something besides writing that I enjoy and am good at. And now with all this extra work I'm going to be doing managing projects and slotting emails and making collateral, I won't have nearly as much time to focus on what I really like about my job. I made this clear to my new boss - that events is what I love - and she responded that she had no intention of taking them away. I just worry about her expectations down the line and if this statement will remain true. These other projects will obviously take precedence over events because they need to get done.

I suppose what I'm really worrying about is not being happy anymore. For the past seven months, I've been really happy doing my job. I have liked planning the events, scouting locations, and picking themes. I really enjoyed working with my old boss. Things were going really well and then this little kink happened.

I'm worried that I'm going to start resent work - that I won't want to wake up in the mornings and that I'll start hating coming to work which is what started to happen to me in New York and I started to lose all motivation.

I guess what I'm starting to realize is that the honeymoon phase of liking my job in Chicago is coming to an end. I know I could start looking for a new job, but I haven't even been here a year yet, and I would really like to be able to have more events under my belt before I leave.

So the conclusion I've come to is that I'm going to try and stick it out until February when our largest event is, and in the meantime I have polished up my resume and if I ever start to feel like my job is moving in the wrong direction or events get taken away from me, then I can start looking around.

But until then, I'm going to see where this road takes me.


Anonymous said...

I hope everything works out for you! It sounds like you do work that I enjoy! Are you hiring? haha!

DeMo said...

That stinks that things are changing. This makes more sense what I saw on (I think it was) your Twitter about fixing up your resume. Stick it out, see where it leads, and if you do some more kick-ass events, maybe she'll take some of the boring stuff away.

kage said...

It can be scary moving on to something new - especially when you're coming from a comfortable position. Sometimes these are the situations that turn out new and greater opportunities and you'll be glad you took the chance.

Valerie said...

Our work life is obviously not going to be perfect all the time and by perfect I mean exactly as we would like it to be. Being a project manager is a tough position but it's stimulating and it can brings you a lot. So, as you said, you should give it a try and see where it leads you. Maybe you'll discover something new that you will have a lot of pleasure to do.

Keep up the good work and I'm sure everything will be fine for you.

Ginger said...

Oh, I understand that! Good luck with everything. I am really bad at taking the step to search for another job, even when I feel like I should move on.

Anonymous said...

Good luck! Just know that whatever happens, you can handle it!

Abby said...

Good idea with the resume never know when your current job will one day not be as satisfying as it once was. But I also think it's great that you're trying this new "title" out...could lead to something great in the future!

Anonymous said...

Unlike others, I am fed up with your cavalier attitude regarding work. Last time I checked, you are still under thirty (meaning, immature - and I can say this since I am under 30) AND you are gainfully employed.

There are like, I dunno, 150,000 other people that would gladly step into the position that you find to be unfulfilling and boring. It's work. Maybe it sucks, but it pays your bills.

We are in a recession, and I find you to be a bratty, ungrateful and semi-retarded to think that you deserve any more than you have. Period.

You, WG2, are a the reason that younger staffers get so much flack. And you admittedly said so quite awhile back, regarding our generation wanting/expecting everything.

One day, you will look back and feel ashamed about being so indulgent and whiney. Ungrateful girl that you are (and seemingly always will be).

Madeleine said...

What a great blog! I would love to add one another as followers.Just our trying to network with other creative souls.

Britni said...

I've been a project manager for about years and just fell into the position..and I love it. I live for the scheduling, organizing, and deadlines though so if you don't then maybe you're right, maybe you do want something else.

Luna said...

thats a good idea. wait a while and get some more experience first before you start something new. it can happen to any of us where we start to resent our jobs and hate to wake up in the morning. if you like your job then keep that feeling. you dont have to do this the rest of your life but for now do what you need to do while you find out what you really want to do.

Anonymous said...

I always thought it was when you hit the six-month mark that you realized whether or not you were going to keep liking a job. We're in a recession, so I'd say be prepared for changes, voluntary or involuntary ones.

Ginger said...

WG2, I wouldn't worry about the anonymous comment. Sometimes, people feel better after taking their frustrations out on someone else, especially when they have no repercussions because they are anonymous.

I can see from where the anonymous comment is coming because I understand that view. I just do not completely agree with it, and I do not think that person should attack you personally for something rather trivial in the whole scheme of life.

Caitlin said...

To anon: We all understand it's a recession, but it doesn't mean we need to sit back and pretend our jobs fulfill us when they simply don't. I am also still employed, but I still find that I want more than my current job. It's not ungrateful. To me, it's like being in a relationship that doesn't make you happy. Even though there are tons of single people out there, it's not a reason to stay with someone you're not happy or compatible with.

WG2: I can understand your feeling! I was hired as a media buyer almost two years ago, and sometimes I feel like I am swamped with work not related to media buying. It's frustrating when you enjoy what you were hired to do, but then you end up shifting your position to something else completely.

B said...

I think there is a HUGE difference between being a whiny slacker (which, from what I can tell, neither of you are) and working hard at your job but finding out it's not what you want to do. WG2, don't let the anonymous comments get to you - ONE person's opinion. We ALL have the chance to do what we want in our lives and do what makes us happy. (I happen to LOVE that about our generation - we're making a life WORTH living, including the work part!)

Also, kudos to you for approving the comment to show even though you didn't have to. I'm sure it'll lead to some lively conversation :)

Pam said...

WG2—Hang in there! Change can be challenging, especially when it comes loaded with new responsibilities, but I'm sure you'll learn to love your new job in no time. And I'm sure you'll be great at it!

Anonymous—Too afraid to let people see who you really are? If you are so fed up, then why the heck do you keep reading? There is no need to be so completely rude. Haven't you ever heard, "if you don't having anything nice to say, don't say anything?" Learn it.

Anonymous said...

well, "anonymous" certainly has a stick up her you-know-what. there is absolutely nothing wrong with being worried about how things are changing at work. obviously you want to do things that are interesting to you and the fact that might be taken away is definitely scary!

and another thing, i think it's awesome that you are wanting the best for yourself! i think a lot of people get a little weary thinking about a new position that will be challenging and a big change from what you know and like to do. if being a project manager isn't what you want, then you shouldn't feel guilted into doing it or feel that you have to just because the economy is bad. there are jobs to be had out there so it definitely doesn't hurt to get your resume out into the eyes of people hiring!

Anonymous said...

As one of the 150,000 unemployed people "Anonymous" posted about, I just want you to know I don't agree with her. When I first read this post today, I admit I thought, "Well, be glad you have a job at least." But that was in my "Rawr I hate job searching, cover letters and all things about being a recent grad" mood.

There is nothing wrong with what you've written about here. If you're unhappy in your current job (or anticipate being unhappy in it in the near future), there is nothing wrong with looking for other things.

Who doesn't complain about their job at some point? I'm sure Anonymous has too. You just do it in your blog so other Working Girls can know there is someone else out there feeling the same thing. GOOD FOR YOU.

Hope things start looking up soon, but if not, good luck in the job search because you deserve to be happy!

Career Girl Network Marcy said...

Hey there, sister! You just ignore that "anonymous" comment. It is wonderful that you are thinking about what's right for you and what's right for your career. If all of us just sat around without relentless ambition, we'd get no where. Yes, we should feel lucky to have a job - but this economy shouldn't stop our drive, either. Keep moving, keep doing the best you can, and if this position isn't right for you - start using your amazing, talented and beautiful skills to get to the next place, and the right place for you!

Sara said...

WG2: you have every reason to want a job to be more than a job. It's where you spend the majority of your time and I applaud you for wanting to find joy in your occupation. As for the anonymous comment you are sharing another's opinion by approving and I think you'll find more support out here by doing so. Hang in there and it's never a bad idea to keep your resume sharp.

Bayjb said...

it's always tough when new leadership comes in because there is a great starting period and then boom the reality sets in. Definitely see where the road takes you but maybe where the new job is going too isn't so awful

Anonymous said...

I think everything happens for a reason. You never know, this might be your "calling"!

I think if you keep a positive event and try to relate it to something you love, you can really see if you enjoy it. In a lot of ways, a project is a lot like an event isn't it? The event: Launch of a website.

Congratulations on the semi-promotion! Good luck!!

Sandy said...

Change can be scary. We human beings are usual averse to change.

It seems to me that you are handling your change well. You have a positive attitude and that's what matters the most.

All the best with your future endeavors!

Do stop by The Village Idiot sometime.


Mandy Kay said...

hang in there! everything happens for a reason!

Katie said...

Can I just say WOW at the anonymous comment? Everyone should be lucky enough to find what makes them happy, and everyone should want to hold onto it when they find it. Anyone who doesn't is a masochist and anyone who has a problem with a person who does is probably just jealous and resentful.

I hope this ends up being a positive change and not a negative one for you. :) Good luck with the new boss and keep us posted on how the new position shapes up!

Anonymous said...

it's too bad that there is so much change going on and it's not going exactly to what you would like, however this might be a stepping stone to something you will love even more in the future!

best of luck and keep your chin up!

Ms. Salti said...

Good luck with it all. It's so frustrating sometimes, but I guess we just have to stick it out! Plus, the way the market is right now, I'd stay put if I were you!

Marge said...

WG2 No worries. It is the American Ideal to want the best for yourself. You didn't work you tail off and go to college to do something that doesn't interest you. I would just say give it time, it could be the best expereince of your life. Change is hard. Life is too short to be anything but happy.
As for you anyonymous comment- EASY there, calling someone retarded is politcally incorrect and inappropriate.