Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Do Not Wear Disney Clothing To Work

This week has been crazy busy (and I was seriously bummed when I found out it was Wednesday and not Thursday - isn't that the worst?). And sometimes when I'm crazy busy or just plain tired, I don't make sense when I speak, I forget what I'm talking about halfway through conversations, and essentially become brain dead. Thankfully, I am still able to put together a sentence when writing e-mails otherwise I wouldn't be able to communicate.

So this morning when I was running around printing 100 copies of a worksheet for a training session and making sure the 20 people who my company is taking to Key West next week all had their jet ski tours and deep sea fishing trips booked, I walked over to the copier and saw our legal assistant wearing a Disney pullover.

And I did a double take.

Mainly I did said double take because I was so delrious that I thought, 'Ok, now we can add hallucinating to the Tired WG2 Brain Dead Snydrome'.

But no, my eyes had not deceived me. The legal assistant was wearing a white fleece pullover with Winnie the Pooh on it. And the best part...she was wearing it with white leggings circa 1992 (which I'm pretty sure I also owned and wore at the wee age of seven).

This picture of a Minnie sweatshirt is a marked improvement over what our legal assistant was wearing. Yea, think about that. Sending shivers down your spine?

So my question is how did she get up in the morning and think this outfit choice was ok? Sure it's comfortable...for a Saturday afternoon spent on your couch (because yes I'm guilty of wearing some pretty gross ensembles while lazily lounging around my apartment)! But for a professional day of copying documents and manning the phones? Sorry, I think not. What if a client saw her dressed like that? In Disney attire...most likely purchased at a theme park! This is a working fashion don't if I have ever heard of one.

And sadly, I don't think I will ever be able to take the legal assistant seriously ever again. Because she wore a pullover that made me dry heave.

My advice to all Working Girls is this: Do not wear Disney themed clothing to work. Ever. If for nothing else, so you don't make your co-workers dry heave.


a sweet display said...

ha ha. this reminds me of the fact that at Christmas, a number of the older women in my office wore sweaters that i would only wear to an "ugly christmas sweater" party. no joke. sadly some people can't even keep up with fashion basics and trends, let alone dressing appropriately for work!

Captain Blogozines said...

For reals. How tacky can one person be!

*Just Jen* said...

OMG! I can't believe that! WOW! I have seen some douzies around my office, but I can't recall a Disney episode. LMAO

me melodia said...

You're Hilarius.
I love making fun of one of my co-workers fashion choices:banana clips, button covers, wrap around sunglasses as headband. She's so tacky one of my faves are her white panty-hos. I think I may have asked her if she's going to a dance recital after work but she didn't get it.

Ms. Salti said...

That is absolutely outrageous. Maybe she lost her sight overnight and couldn't see what her options were in her closet this morning...? No? Ok, just trying to figure out the neuroses going on in her head... She's obviously got issues!

Anonymous said...

Reminds me when I was 16 and my mom bought the entire family disney sweatshirts and made us all wear them in our Christmas card photo. I was humiliated!

mary evelyn said...

haha. that is a funny visual. i wouldn't think it was possible for someone to look at their reflection in the mirror before leaving the house and saying to themselves "oh yeah, i look good" while wearing what you described.

was it a theme day at work?

angie lou said...

I've worn a Minnie Mouse tank top to work--except that I work at a bar hre in Chicago and I like to think that the tank top is a bit more stylish, coming from H&M and all.

But in an office? Especially a legal assistant!! What is the dress code at your office?

(Okay, but I'm also the type of person that will look for occasions and excuses to dress up.)

alyssa said...

WOW...not even on casual

Jessie said...

That is great. I can wear sweatshirts and jeans to work but I don't think I'd bring it to that level! lol

Ellen said...

WG2, if you have some time off you should go to Wisconsin -- Disney or Packers gear all over. (I grew up there, so I can say it!) You haven't lived till you've seen embroidered sweatshirts or jerseys in church.

ThoughtsON said...

Your last two paragraphs made me laugh out loud!

Karyn Beach said...

May I add please do not decorate your office in Sponge Bob SquarePants? There is a manager at my job who's office is plastered from wall-to-wall with SpongeBob. Every time I walk past her door, I expect a snotty-nosed three year old to come running out.

Anonymous said...

I live in China, and I have to deal with the worst dressed working girls you have ever seen. You haven't seen a Winnie the Pooh pullover, until you've seen it in glitter.

A Dilettante's Perspective said...

Maybe the brits aren't going too far by requiring their lady workers to take a "How to Dress for work" seminar. Clearly some people need this guidance.

Skywalker said...

Disney clothes are not typically appropriate for much other than running errands or jogging.

Dry heave away - depending on the said employee's age - you should suggest places to find alternatives.

Mishi said...

That's pretty out of control. I don't understand how someone could actually make it out of their door dressed in Disney (on the way to work, no less!) without realizing it was a mistake. I mean, I'm sure we've all stretched the line a little when it comes to "work attire" - after all, laundry day still plays havoc with the wardrobe - but never, never, NEVER would I expect to see someone in a Disney pull over.

Elizabeth said...

hahaha - seriously, who would do that? How can you leave the house thinking that you look good/acceptable for a day at the office?!

FB @ said...

Disney clothing and any other cartoon or beer logo clothing is never appropriate work wear, unless you work at said companies.

KP said...

It's a shame that with all the resources available to women (and men)like magazines, TV Shows (What Not to Wear), online articles, blogs, and even (gasp) work dress code specifications that some are still clueless when it comes to proper work attire in different environments.

jaime said...

How horrid! In one day, she lost her credibility to the office as a whole. I pity the fool.

Polygnome said...

HAHAHAHAHA. Hilarious. Disgusting. I love it.

Anonymous said...

A Disney themed sweatshirt is not appropriate attire for work unless you work for Disney and they make you wear it! Maybe you can suggest your legal assistant to visit our website..
We offer tips and tricks on how to dress appropriately for work.

missBee said...

Oh gosh that's horrendous!!!

Unknown said...

I had the exact same first grade. Seriously?!?!

L.L. said...

No one over the age of 12 should be wearing clothes with Disney Characters UNLESS you've been a a trip to one of the Disneys in the past six months. However, never to work!!

ChinkyGirLMeL said...

oh wow....not a pretty sight.. cute for a 5 year old but for someone who's working... I woulnd't be able to take her seriously if she didn't dress the part. by the way. i heart your blog. =)

maquli said...


its really very outdated and reminds me of....being hilarious....



Baby Clothes

Rika said...

lol disney clothing to work? my God may be she did'nt do her laundry and was out of clothes.