Thursday, February 19, 2009

You're Just a 23-Year-Old Who Can't Drive

I'm the baby sister of my work family. I'm 23, almost 24, and I am given a hard time because of it. When I complain about turning 24, I'm put in my place. When I talk about having worked at my job forever, I'm put in place. Promo Girl often says things to me like, "It's just like in Clueless...have you even seen that movie?" Yes, Promo Girl, I have. I'm not that young. As if!

I'm old enough to drink, to enlist in the army and to drive. But I'm not old enough to drive a rental car. Okay, I am old enough in most states. But, not without an additional fee.

Seriously rental car companies, seriously?

I have been driving since I was 15-years-old. I haven't gotten a single speeding ticket and I've never been in an accident. I should be able to rent a car and drive it at the same price as any 25-year-old.

I'm a serious Working Girl who is going on a business trip on Monday and needs a rental car. My boss is also going on this business trip but asked me to take of the rental car. So imagine how mature I felt when I had to book the car in her name because I'm too young and the company doesn't want to pay an additional fee. Super mature.


Anonymous said...

That's totally the story of my life. Everytime I rent, I tell myself..."one more year, one more year."

Sam said...


Well.. I am 22.

ThoughtsON said...

I have never understood this about rental cars! Or car insurance for that matter.
Why 25?!
(I'm the same age as you and have never needed to rent a car... but still! It's the principle of the matter!)

ChpterReads said...

No worries, just be glad you're 24, cause it goes by fast, and I understand what you mean though. Its like what the heck, my driving history should speak for itself, but they don't check all that.

Just have to wait it out hon... you have no other choice.

Anonymous said...

I tell you what, I'm 25 and I don't get it. Sometimes I think I was more mature at 23 than I am now. I wonder who came up with that number

keepmovingforward said...

I know!! I hate that rule. It sucked especially when I went to Ireland, i couldn't rent one. I hate relying on public transportation.

Mich said...

i rented a car with my friend to drive to Vegas in, she was 25, i was 24. we had to pay the extra fee for me.

but how does that make any sense since i was driving for 5 years before she even got her license??? i doesnt... it just doesnt...

Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, I can't drive- at all, and I'm 22.

Sunny said...

well, get your own car!. Yes, I know.

Jessie said...

I actually enjoyed this at first because my colleagues always had to drive and be responsible for getting us there whereas I could have that drink at the bar :)

But now that I am of age (and beyond...) I am always the responsible one/babysitter...

FB @ said...

I learned how to drive when I was 25. :)

I hit it right at the sweet spot on insurance ($300/year), being able to rent rental cars without a fee.. and so on

I had no clue how to drive before I was 25, so .. lol :) I can't complain.

Elizabeth said...

I am 23 and will be 24 in July. I too am the baby at our office (and the majority of my friends for that matter). I think it is crazy that we cannot rent cars or sign for rental houses!

Red from Ktown said...

I always thought that rule was a bunch of CRAP. What do they do if you have a couple on their honeymoon who are 24 and can't even rent a car without shelling out 2 of the gifts from their wedding cards.

I feel for ya. Love the age you are now, because before you know it, you're still the youngest and now you're 37!!!!!

Mrs. Hibit said...

When I started working here at 22, I was the youngest in the office. At 25, thanks to the economy, I'm still the youngest. The good part? Getting hassled for my youth makes the whole aging thing not so bad!
(And that big insurance discount I got last week? It was like a fantastic birthday gift on an otherwise mundane occasion!)

Shen Dove said...

I feel your pain. It doesn't help when you look young for your page and could easily pass for a high schooler like me. I am a little older than you, turning 25 next month and also get put in my place when I complain about getting older. But I'll soon be able to rent a car without difficulty...not sure I'm happy about that though.

Saving My Bacon said...

One way to get around the pesky under-25 car rental fee is to join Zipcar.

I'm 23 and my first job out of college required me to travel regularly to an outlying suburb of San Francisco. With all the fees, the rental came out to $120 a day for a compact car. Zipcar was $50 a day. Granted, I could've expensed both...but it's just something to be aware of.


Katrina said...

I know exactly what you mean!!!

Rebekah Zenn said...

I work for a rental car company. If your company has what is called a "corporate account" with a rental car company, then anyone who is employed at your company and is 21 or older can drive for company purposes without paying the additional fee. These "corporate accounts" are free with big-name rental companies like Enterprise, Hertz, and National, and anyone employed by your company can sign up for one. Might want to mention it?

BlueMonday said...

Something I've never quite figured out, how come you can learn to drive legally at 15 in America?

Anonymous said...

But when you turn 25, you're 5 more years closer to 30.

Just be happy you're on the other side of 25.

I would kill to turn back the clock.

About Moi said...

THIS annoys the crap out of me! My husband always has to rent for us. I'm turning 25 in a weeks though and it's the only good thing about turning that age :(

Asphodel said...

Lol that sucks, never knew a rule like that existed in Manhattan! I'm in Kuwait, and got my license now at 25 with shitloops of paperwork to jump through

Rika said...

Hmm that's something i'll never dig..bad very bad