Friday, May 30, 2008

Sex & The City Mania Hits An Office Near You

This morning, a co-worker and I were discussing our plans for tonight. While he is planning on hitting up a few dive bars with his buddies, I have decided to class it up a bit. Tonight is the premiere of the Sex and the City Movie and my girlfriends and I are going out for a nice dinner (with lots of wine, champagne and cosmos) and then going to see the movie at 10:45 p.m. (just in case you care what time I'm going to see the movie).

Before I could utter the word 'cosmo' to my co-worker, I heard squeals coming from the kitchen and then out burst our Vice President of our Publishing Group jumping and screaming, "Sex and the City! Sex and the City! Woohoo!" into our reception area where my co-worker and I were discussing our Friday night plans.

My jaw dropped. It's not like our VP is an unaturally quiet woman or anything, but her squeals attracted the entire office to come see what was wrong. 'No, no problem,' she admitted. 'I'm just so excited for the SATC premiere tonight. I have tickets to the 11 p.m. showing.' Most of our male co-workers went back about their business, but the rest of us just spent a good 15 minutes discussing our plans for tonight's premiere.

Sex & The City mania has officially hit my office.

For example, Small Fry took the day off so she could go to the 10 a.m. viewing and watch the movie without the crowds. One of my co-workers made her husband take the day off so she could stay in the city after work to see the movie and get martinis afterwards with her "bff's".

And my 45-year-old, gay and Cuban best friend at work has decided to leave at 4:00 to go see the 4:15 viewing at the theater down the street. And his ticket to getting out of work early? He's taking his boss to the movie with him (and he even bought her a bottle of pink champagne).

SATC is the talk of my company today. When they're going to see the show, what they're wearing, what they're eating before, what they're drinking after.

And I just can't help chiming in that I'm going to be drinking pink champagne, eating dinner at Borough Food and Drink, and seeing the Sex and the City Movie with my best girlfriends at 10:45 p.m.!


well-intentioned heartbreaker said...

Haha, first, I love your VP's reaction.
Second, I CAN'T WAIT!

Miss Caught Up said...

I'm really pumped about the movie too!!!! I'm going tonight after work!!! :D

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for this movie too!! I'm seeing it tomorrow though so I might have to stay away from the internet so I don't see the spoilers :P I hope you enjoy it!

phoebe said...

i can't wait to hear your review of the movie. enjoy it and have fun.

JK said...

I think Sex and the City-mania has hit everywhere. I'll probably go see it tomorrow.

Alexandreena said...

V. v. excited here too! Going with 2 girlfriends this weekend despite the fact that I have a million things to do and realyl should be spending my tiem productively. I will also ahve cosmos, although I'm on naturapthic drugs and I'm supposed to be cleansing and eating fruit and letting my body do whatever it needs to de to feel better. Cosmos has soem sort of fruit in them, in addition to vodka, no?...I think I'll be fine!

Unknown said...

Girl you're not the only one! My co worker and I took the day off to "prepare". We're going to the showing at 9:40 (just in case you that) and afterwards we're going to dinner and get drinks (or try since we're **ahem**not 21 yet...**20** close) lol

I've never seen such preparations to go see a's like sex and the city is a lifestyle...amazing!

I love this blog!!!

Jackie said...

Lucky girl, sounds like a blast! I'm not a big movie theater fan (I hate people talking and smacking popcorn) but I may need to make an exception for SATC. An afternoon showing on Monday or Tuesday shouldn't be too crowded right? Oh the perks of being unemployed!

Bayjb said...

That's awesome that your VP got that excited. I can only imagine what it's like in NYC. Chicago was freaking out about it too. So what did you think??

Anonymous said...

hey, thank you so much for leaving me a comment on my blog. :] I think we're friends on 20sb, too, no? Sometimes it's so hard for me to keep track of all these wonderful blogs on the internet. ;]

Working Girl Two said...

the movie was amazing! everyone has to go see it immediately! it was funny, sad, cheesy and so totally SATC. love, loved, loved it!

and apricot, yes i believe we are friends on 20sb's. love that site. it leads me to all the good blogs out there!

Secretista said...

Amazing wasn't it :).

saray said...

haha everybody talks about that movie!
I saw it with some friends and had the best time ever!

Times of Glory said...

That sounds super duper cool! I love Sex and the City and cannot wait to see the movie! Have a great time!

Sharon said...

Hi there-thanks for stopping by my blog-I so adored it and will buy the DVD when it comes out-a firm favourite!!

Dizzie said...

You know, I used to watch the show every single week, but it's been too long now, I'm not hyped up about the movie at all... right now, it feels like they need to make some money of an old concept. They should have done it shortly after the show ended, while people were still wondering what would happen to the NY foursome.

Carolina Lange said...

I'm so excited about this movie! I can't wait!!!

Marianne said...

Just to add an extra girly wooo! I'm happy to report that SATC mania has hit Paris too and the atmos in the cinema was amazing - everyone cheering and clapping and dressed up for the night.

paisana said...

:) I work in academia and my coworkers have never seen the show, so I'm safe. I saw it on Friday, though. I liked it.

Thanks for surfing by. Good luck with grad school!

smbphe said...

i was supposed to go see the movie friday evening, but still haven't managed to make it yet. ack. makes me sad b/c this may be the most exciting thing that's happened to me all year. haha. :)

CC said...

We were SO excited for the movie too! We saw the 7pm show right after work and grabbed a fancy dinner and cosmos after. It was SO good!!! Hope you enjoyed it!

Anonymous said...

i can't wait to hear your thoughts and i love the fun little evening you planend! any interest in trading links? :)

Auburn Kat said...

I was SO excited to see the movie and it was SO worth it!

megabrooke said...

what did you think?! i went to a late show (1030) too.

pink champagne?! they make that?!

Anonymous said...

Aw, hope you had fun!!

shreenath said...

Interesting and a great topic to discuss in office with co-workers

einoc_gurl said...

Hmmmm..interesting! I wonder when are they going to play that movie here in philippines! well, nice reaction of your VP..sorry for late comment, i just cant help expressing my thoughts..hehehe, coz when i read ur story made me smile..take care

Izzy said...

Am I the only one who thinks Big is a complete a$$?? I thought the movie was frustrating, though it did have a few memorable parts.

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