I know, I know it's quirky. And I know that I shouldn't hate him for needing to throw out some paper or his morning coffee. But it does. It kills me. It really kills me that he can't use his own trash can.
I sit in a corner cubicle so my trash can is one that is readily available to everyone. Throughout the day I notice it accumulating more and more trash throughout the day. A piece of paper here, a paper clip here, a soda can, a half-eaten bagel. But then there are the times that people throw out something smelly and that really bothers me. See, I have a sensitive sense of smell. WG1 can attest to this. When we lived together, I had to run out of the room whenever she made tuna. It made me gag.
Bananas have the same effect on me. I can't stand their smell (not to mention it really makes me laugh when people eat them in public - it just looks so lewd!). So when The New Kid threw out a banana in my garbage can a few weeks back, I wanted to punch him in the face. He has his own! Why use mine?

Obviously this is something I need to work on. But one thing I refuse to work on...liking The New Kid.
I started my job 5 months ago and when I found out I'd be sharing an office with another woman, the first thing I did was get my own trash can... making it very obvious I didn't want to trash swap :)
Congrats on being a week away!!!
If I were you, I'd switch my trash can with his when he's not in his cube.
I bet you are so excited to leave the New Kid behind when you go to your new fab job! And tell the smelly banana boy to get his own trash can :)
I would call that quirky. I think people forget that a cube, despite the fact that it doesn't have real walls, is your space.
Now running out of the room when someone's making tuna? THAT'S quirky.
makes sense. you have to empty your trash sooner as well.
I'm weird about things like that too. They may be small but when you are in that small space for long periods of time you notice things like trash! :)
I would feel violated if someone left their trash in my can. It's like they're marking their territory.
I once rented a giant trash bin during a kitchen remodel project and an interloper threw in an old couch. Now that's violation!
When New Kid leaves his desk empty all your trash into his trash can and let him feel what that's like!
I hate sharing my trash can, too. That's why I just put it under my desk so that noone could see it. My trash needs a little privacy :)
I know how you feel. I'm a teacher and share my classroom with another teacher, who uses my dry erase markers. I can't stand this! I have to buy my own and so should he! But, it's not like he's leaving a banana in my trashcan...that reeks!
You are absolutely right—I can't stand people throwing stuff away in my trash can. I sit in the corner cube, too, right by the counter where people put cookies, candy, cupcakes, etc to share with the office. So people always eat standing in my cube, whether I am chatting with them or not, and then throw the remnants in my trash. So usually by the end of the day, it's full of candy wrappers, empty Oreo sleeves, etc and of course someone ALWAYS says, "Wow Pam, you ate a lot today." Right. Very funny.
can you hide your trash? under your desk perhaps?
i have a corner desk too. I solved it by pushing my trashcan waaaaaay under my desk so its not very accessible. Its harder for me to toss things in there too, but worth it because no one uses it anymore...
I have to tell you I am exactly the same way. Reading your girls' blog cracks me up because it sounds like we work in similar settings and I can almost always relate to the stories you tell... they are very entertaining!
What is it with people? That stuff happens at my office all the time. My cube is my personal space, keep your hands off my supplies and you trash out of my can. That is such a violation. And, I'm not good at sharing either...I don't think that's a bad thing.
I agree with you...use your own trash can!! And I gag when I watch people try to eat banana's - it's just nasty...I forever have in my head my friends old grand mother 'trying' to eat one...ok, stop it!
Just had to post an update on my previous comment.
I was sitting in my cube writing something over the spot where my trash can sits and one of my coworkers (who is so pompous and annoying), reached under my leaned-over body to throw out a cracker he didn't want. And he didn't say a single word or acknowledge my presence, even though he nearly touched me.
My trash can has now been moved.
I don't consider myself to be "quirky" about trash, but I would definitely be annoyed if someone threw smelly, half-eaten food into my can. That's just rude!!
I'm an only child. My trash can is mine. MINE! MIIIIINE!!!!!
I would keep my trash under my desk. That way, if he needs to use it, he will have to crawl under you to get to the trash!
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