Maybe my recent pre quarter-life crisis (aka liking events and realizing maybe journalism/magazines aren't the only thing I like in this life) has made me eager for someone, anyone to tell me that I was destined for marketing or event planning. Or that I was a great creative mind in a past life.
Enter The other day I was browsing around some of my fave blogs and I happened upon CareerPath's "Color Career Counselor". The point of the test is for the test taker to keep picking the colors that most appeal to them and eventually this will tell you what profession you are most suited for.

The results were creepily accurate.
Apparently I'm a "Creator" - non-conforming, expressive, sensitive and emotional. A person who needs creative workspaces and a job as an English teacher or author (aka my childhood dreams). I think I could get used to the title "Creator". Think I could put that on my business cards?
So unfortunately this doesn't exactly involve event planning and marketing. But my runner-up personality did include the businesswoman in me. It seem my love of teals and magentas means I'm an overemotional hard ass.
What do your color preferences say your true profession should be?
I'm a creator too, but my second best was a persuader(witty, Competitive, Sociable, Talkative, Ambitious, Argumentative, and Aggressive).
I think it makes a lot of sense.
Thanks for sharing!
How fun! I'm such a sucker for these tests!
I got creator too, followed by organizer. I say that fits pretty well.
I just took it and it was DEAD on! Thanks
I'm a Creator too! And PR was under that so I guess I'm on the right track.
Second I was a Social Organizer. Likes to be center of attention? Who? Me? Nah, couldn't be ;)
I'm a creator first, followed by persuader. Shocker. It doesn't say I'm going to take over the world by blogging, though. Dammit.
Thanks for the post, it was a fun test to take!
I was also a creator, and second was persuader. I think it was quite accurate; the issue is reconciling what I want to do and what I am doing.
Great blog, btw!
I'm a creator too and an organizer second. The wierd thing is about the test, is that it was totally accurate. I went to school for Music Performance and am currently writing a book. I am very creative, however it certainly does not show in my current job - Admin. Asst.
P.S. Love your blog! Keep up the amazing work.
I'm also a Creator followed by Persuader.... its pretty accurate.
I'm a Creator first and a Social Organizer second, which is pretty much bang on. The first job listed under Creator was Advertising Executive, which is what I am, so I guess I can rest easy in knowing I'm in the right job!
I'm a creator too, but second was a persuader. It was accurate since I am a teacher now but don't fully enjoy it and in my spare time I create. I've always wanted to create full time
Fun! I was Creator first (Nonconforming, Impulsive, Expressive, Romantic, Intuitive, Sensitive, and Emotional) and Social Manager second (Tactful, Cooperative, Generous, Understanding, Insightful, Friendly, and Cheerful).
I'm also a creator, which is fun to think. And my current career is listed - public relations. So I guess I chose well.
My second is persuader...Witty, Competitive, Sociable, Talkative, Ambitious, Argumentative, and Aggressive. haha. Talkative and competitive for sure, but I hope not so much aggressive :)
Yep, creator as well. I'm a writer for a marketing company so I guess it's dead on!
Thanks for this post. It just proves even more that I'm such a artistic person. I am too a creator and my second was a persuader.
I got Organizer, and I'm NOTHING like what it says for it! Ditto for my second category - typical!
Scary accurate! I'm an Organizer (virgo, of course!) and my job was listed under it. Freaky.
My second was Researcher (which I would much rather be doing). Weird no one else had that one...
i got the same answer too! then a persuader second
Thanks for the fun link!
I'm a creator too!
The profile fit me to a tee.
My second best is a social manager which was pretty accurate too.
Thanks again
P.S. Love your blog.
That thing is scary accurate. But looking at the other responses, as well as the one my wife got, I think it just tells everyone they are creators. Hmmmmm
I have just started looking for a new job, so I loved taking this test. It was so spot on and opened up my eyes to jobs that I have never considered.
I am a Researcher first and an Organizer second.
Thanks for the great link!
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