They include:
1. The way he plays "I Kissed a Girl" on repeat and even though he has on earphones I can hear it blasting through my little cubicle walls.
2. The way he sings along to "I Kissed a Girl" on repeat all day long.
3. The way he taps his foot along to "I Kissed a Girl" on repeat all day long.
I mean, I love Katy Perry ("Hot 'N Cold" is my new fave song) but the New Kid's love of Katy Perry is out of control. But of all the things that the New Kid does to annoy me, the biggest one of all is his love of talking about political agendas at work.
Let me set the scene. It is a rainy Tuesday morning about a month ago. I am soaking wet and not a happy camper because I left my rain boots under my desk...about a year ago...and never remember to bring them home. I'm cold, cranky, and I want to be snuggled in my covers watching Sex and the City movie for the 5th time since I bought it for $9.99 at Blockbuster this weekend. Instead, I step into a whirlwind of politics.
He and a few of the other online marketing team are discussing Sarah Palin and how she actually sounded like she knew how to put two sentences together at a debate she was at the night before. Which I responded to with a guffaw. Yes, a guffaw. I'm not going to repeat the whole conversation that was had here because it was heated. And mainly it was heated because what the New Kid is incapable of is listening to other opinions. He loves to insert himself into conversations and then take them over. And he lurves to talk over people. Making it impossible to get a word in edge wise. And he has to be right. All the freaking time. The funny thing is? We both are voting for Obama. But the New Kid brings out the bitch in me. I can't help but fight him on anything and everything.
So since then I have refrained from talking politics at work. Because really some subjects just shouldn't be talked about with people you need to have good relationships with in the future (and who you already want to strangle on a daily basis).

Then yesterday, I came to work and the New Kid had put up a huge "Vote Obama/Biden" campaign poster in his cubicle. I'm talking ginormous. He was immediately told to take it down because our office does not condone politicking in the work space.
Apparently it is distracting and takes away from the day-to-day tasks that we need to get done. Of course, this reason only made the New Kid angry so he busted out some Obama pins and stuck those to his cubicle. Which were quickly OK'ed because The Boss was wearing an identical one.
But it hit me that I had once agreed with the New Kid. While I did think it was excessive that he had a ginormous campaign poster in his cubicle, a few buttons urging people to vote isn't hurting the office. As long as the New Kid keeps his trap shut about his own political agenda, I think we can continue to agree that while campaigning for a certain candidate might not be work-friendly, urging your fellow employees to get out there and vote for the future of our country is noble.
And it made me like the New Kid for a hot sec. Until he started singing "I Kissed a Girl" again.
i kissed a girl and i liked it....
So funny story… I was in the elevator yesterday and this guy was playing “Hot N Cold” on his iPod really loudly. There were 3 women in the elevator and him (note that he was a big, stocky kind of guy). After he got out, all of us looked at each other and busted out laughing. Once in a while, these things are entertaining but I feel you about hearing it constantly.
Yay Obama!
I am going to Blockbuster. Right. Now.
$9.99 for SATC the movie? Where the have I been?
Funny! But there are way were songs he could be obsessed with. I knew a guy who was obsessed w/I'm a Barbie Girl song. Remember that from like 10 years ago?
That is way worse!
C'mon Barbie let's go party!
This is just too funny. I can picture it so clearly! Fortunately, I don't work with anyone near that level of annoying, but I did at my last job. I feel your pain. Maybe you should invest in a pair of foam ear plugs? (I've heard those are the best kind)
in the small, politically correct office i am in, politicking is perfectly acceptable, especially for obama, since the owner of the company has maybe 4 obama stickers on his v. expensive car.
my office also condones another New Kid behavior, talking without listening. i had no less than 5 conversations yesterday with individuals who talked to me for at minimum 20 minutes, mostly about their children's halloween costumes, and if they did allow me to interject a comment or two suddenly went deaf or forgot english.
most annoying thing, ever. i feel your pain.
thanks for the friend request on 10something. i work in online marketing too! aaaand sometimes i wish i could blog about the people i work with but it's a tiny office and they're all my friends, aka they all read my blog hahaha.
fun blog!
Katy Perry's ascent will also be her rapid descent, I would say it's all the radio dj's fault( we get it local radio guy, you play "I kissed a girl" and get girls to call in about kissing girls, it's edgy radio..) but apparently the New Kid wants a hand in bringing her career to a screeching halt before she gets past the one hit wonder phase.
Eh who cares,Christina's new song is my new fave anyway!
I've got a similar problem, except it's with an Old Kid, and the song of choice is Duffy's "Mercy." While the foot tapping isn't too bad because the office is carpeted, the singing is so out of tune that I think he's found a new key.
Ugh....the new kid sucks. I DO love Obama though :)
So is the New Kid gay, or does he just reeaaalllly like that song??
I would just like to interject that I love this blog. It's fun and work savy, we can all relate to the mishappenings of the office. However, I feel that WG could have discussed politics slightly less one sided. It would be nice if WG remembered that their readers are from all walks of life and one more political plug is that last thing I want to see when I scan my fav blogs to wind down.
New Kid...
I find tons of people with whom I agree with politically but can't discuss politics because of their behavior
i think talking about politics at work is inappropriate as wel.. but it's hard!! it's what is on everyone's mind!
Gosh, I guess all irritating new kids have similar behavior patterns. I too had to bear with a super-irritating new kid who sat next to me. I was just wondering whether female new kids are ever equally irritating or is it just with guys. I don't mean to discriminate :-)
my work is a political danger zone. it's all they talk about.
Loved your "guffaw"! Wow, how irritating to have such an annoying person near enough to you to hear his earphones- I couldn't handle that. The incessant low-pitched humming of someone in my office is enough to drive me crazy!
Yikes the New Kid sounds terribly annoying.
But.. woohoo! Yay! Obama!
I am British but love him.
Realllllllllly hope to God he wins!!!
Only the other day did I have the wondrous joy of hearing 'I Kissed a Girl' on the salon radio. Good, but kinda annoying.
If someone was singing/playing it contantly near me, I'd probably want to smack them in the mouth.
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