Sometimes, I can be pretty thick. I admit that this was one of those times.
Since then I have finally figured out what "Hump Day" actually means, and it has become something of an inside joke between me and my work friends. Each week, we send each other knee-slapping, laugh out loud e-mails in honor of "Hump Day."
Last Wednesday, I opened my mailbox at the end of the day to this image of turtles humping...literally.

My co-worker Beth had sent it around the younger employees of my company. I had a good chuckle over it but apparently kept the e-mail open a little too long because one of our VP's walked by my desk just as I was closing the e-mail and cooed, "Oh! Look at the turtles! So cute!" I instantly got awkward and muttered, "Yea, cute" under my breath and then turned back to my desk just as she said, "Wait can you open that again? They are just too cute!"
Gulp. Wasn't expecting that! So I opened up the e-mail with the VP still cooing over how cute turtles are and how she is thinking about buying her daughter one, and that is when she realized they were in fact cute turtles who just happened to be humping.
"Oh! Oh my! WG2! You're too young to see stuff like that!" she yelled while shielding her eyes.
Luckily this particular VP is pretty cool and someone that me and the other younger co-workers can easily joke around with. So I knew that the image of two turtles humping wouldn't send her running, but what made me laugh was that the first reaction to come out of her mouth was 'you're too young!'.
It's officially been a week since the VP and I had the awkward turtle humping encounter, but she has somehow managed to bring it up in every single conversation she has had with me since (and also managed to tell the rest of the office about our awkward moment).
Which means I have become that co-worker who likes turtle porn. What a great legacy to leave behind.
I say you make it your your desktop background picture.
I didn't know what hump day was until I started working in an office. People were talking about it all the time!
Happy Hump Day isn't referring to man-humping? Are you serious!? I totally would have never known that it referred to WEDNESDAY! That's crazy. I thought people were just attempting comedy while being lewd. How crazy. Thanks for informing me of what Hump Day really is. Now I will stop misusing it.
At least it wasn't Squirrel Sex... I'll tell that story one time soon. To be honest, I completely forgot about it until you posted this! I'll have to email my old co-worker to send it to me.
*note to self*
Turtle porn! There probably is such a thing. I love that picture, especially the face of the turtle on top!
So that is how babies are made!
turtle porn - hahaha, that made me laugh out loud!
Wednesday is Hump Day?! That's one new thing I learnt today.. new thing of very little utility but all the same :D
Funny story btw.. reminded me of the scene in F.R.I.E.N.D.S when Monica thinks Chandler enjoys shark porn
those are tortoises not turtles, turtles live in the ocean....
Cool blog - thanks for visiting mine by the way!
Turtle porn ha ha ha - OMG the turtle on top's tongue (didnt even kno they had 1) is so freaking me out!! :)
that picture is hilarious!!! turtle pron!! hahahaha! At least she's cool :) I am cracking up over this :)
I love inter-office e-mails. It actually makes me miss working in an office.
haha turtle-porn
Hahaha cute story.
Too funny...
I took my girl scout troop to a museum where there was a turtle exhibit. And of course, they were humping while we were there.
Those little suckers can go for hours. And they drool while they do it.
Not that anyone needed to remotely know any of that.
"The girl who likes turtle porn."
THAT IS JUST TOO HYSTERICAL! (I literally laughed out loud at the office...)
Thanks for stopping by my blog! :o)
I really didn't know Wednesday is hump day until several weeks ago I read another blogger's post. I guess it's true...
Turtle making love is something I would love to see via live.. LOL
Funny post - thanks!
Too funny! I always send "happy hump day" e-mails to my friends on Wednesdays.
Turtle porn. BAAHAHAHAHA!
LOL! You poor girl! I was flipping my husband the bird one time in public (which is something I NEVER do--long story) and my boss walked up. With his 9 y.o. daughter. So that's my most embarrassing boss-related story! (so far)
Haha! I still laugh a little bit when I hear people say "Hump Day" out loud!
Love your blog, BTW. Mind if I add it to my blogroll?!
Always good for a laugh, keep up the good work
I love this. I send a text to my boyfriend every Wednesday and (to me) it never gets old :)
BTW; I tagged you in my blog.
Keep up the good work!
Look at the face of the humping turtle. hahahaha.
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