Today has been painfully slow. WG2 is too busy training the new her and cleaning out her desk to talk to me about the lack of Gossip Girl last night or Speidi's recent wedding or the reasons why I want to see Twilight 100 more times. So, I'm here, at my desk, with only the internet to entertain me. It's the perfect time for a "What I Do While I'm Bored at Work" post.
- Typically on Tuesdays I'm hungover on pizza and Gossip Girl. One of the first things I do in the morning is head over to and find their recap of Monday night's episode. Written by New Yorkers and Gossip Girl lovers, Jessica Pressler and Chris Rovzar, it is the best TV recap I've ever read. Jessica and Chris give and take away points for the realness and fakeness of the show. For your reading pleasure, here is last week's recap of the Thanksgiving episode.
- Since moving over the marketing department, it's become more acceptable to
listen to music while I work (I have had to answer my boss's phone in ages). Rather than waste my precious iTouch's battery at work, I listen to Pandora. Type in your favorite artist and Pandora will play that artist and artists with a similar sound for as long as you like, for free! I high recommend trying Lady Gaga radio. Pandora doesn't have rights to her music yet, but the artists that sound like her are fan-freakin-tastic.
- My mother is most likely finished with her holiday shopping. My brother, sister and I, on the other hand, are usually at Target on Christmas Eve trying not to kill one another while trying to shop for everyone on our list. This year, I vow not to make that trip. Thanks to that may actually happen. The best part? There is a super fun personality profiler. Answer questions about someone on your list and receive great gift suggestions. Or do it for yourself and see which personality you are. I got hipster and while I'm so not a hipster, at least by New York standards, I loved most of the gift suggestions.
Pandora is one of my favorite internet sitees to help waste time during my day.
is it 5pm yet???
While I view draining my iPod battery as necessary to my sanity, my supervisor listens to Pandora all day long. I always end up giggling when her earbuds accidentally get unplugged and the entire office can hear her jazz radio station.
And I'm also empty without a new Gossip Girl episode this week.
I got hipster too, and while I would never call myself one, I like a lot of the gifts they came up with. Thanks for the link!
Twilight.. 1,000,000,000 more times please?
Thank you.
Have you read the books?
BrightCrayon - I read "Twilight," I just started "New Moon" and can't put it down. I've been told that it's the hardest to get through of the four, but so far, I'm enjoying it!
i definitely encourage you to watch "Twilight" more than a 100 times!
"New Moon" is a little harder to read, but so worth it in the end!
Thanks for all the great ideas! I love Pandora. And Gift finder is going to save me a lot of time. Now I don't have to go to the mall or to Target. Yeah!
pandora is great but Jango is even BETTER~!
And i agree with the twilight comment
gotta go back and see it more!
I've Just Started Reading Your Blogs, They Are Freakin Awesome.
I also agree with you--I'm going to see Twilight this weekend for the second time. and pandora sounds great, but it says that it's only available to people living in the US. darn it!
stupid UK...Twilight doesn't come out here till Dec 19th. My hubby odesn't understand my facination with Robert Pattinson...but he's what I look at when I'm bored at work....
I love your blog. seriously.
thanks for the links, they're great
I agree, NYMag is also my go-to for Gossip Girl recaps - I wish they did more shows!
Love the blog, hope the boredom ends!
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