Another Monday, another The Hills.
Stephanie and Lauren, do they actually go to FIDM? My guess is, No.
All the restaurants in L.A. look the same to me. Doug ("Lauren's Friend") and Lauren are on a lunch date at Creperie where Doug tries to get her to skip out on work and go to the beach. Three seasons ago, Lauren probably would have ditched work for a boy. I think she's learned her lesson.
At Epic Records Chiara and Audrina almost convince me that are employed. I like Chiara. She's much better than chick Heidi "works" with.
Kelly Cutrone is baaack and she's brought her New York crew with her. While I think Kelly is great, she makes me want to crawl in a closet and hide. Whitney is invited to go out to dinner with Kelly and crew. She's nervous because she's a newbie but if I know anything about Whitney, I know she's going to rock it.
Speidi. Ew. Out to dinner. I do have to give props to Heidi for seemly nicely suggesting that they make an appearance at the Stephanie's party because, after all, she is Spencer's brother. On another note, why does Spencer continue to call Lauren, LC? That's so Laguna Beach.

Whitney's work dinner is held at Simon Restaurant and the red wine is flowing. Whitney, let me tell you, from experience, say no to the red wine. Oh look at her, she's drinking water. I'm so proud. Jessica, the L.A. publicist always looks pissed. Probably because she's bad at her job and people are starting to notice. It's all over when she starts crossing Kelly about working with stylists. "It's my company" - Kelly Cutrone. You better watch out, Jessica.
I'm drained my Stephanie's birthday party. Lo is as fake as Stephanie's tan and it's only a few moments before Audrina shows up and doesn't talk to anyone and a few more until Speidi crashes the party. Yes, Brody!
Lo and Audria: AWKWARD!
Specner and Heidi: ANNOYING!
Everyone leaving because Speidi is there: SO HIGH SCHOOL.
"Seriously, let's go" - Lo
Kelly Cutrone is yelling at her assistant on the phone. We must be back at Peopel's Revolution. She's telling the assistant to try living her life for one day and see what it's like. Ok, I understand if you're an owner of a place like People's Revolution, you're a busy Working Girl. But, Kelly might be underestimating how much work an assistant actually does. She hangs up the phone and calls for Whitney.
Whitney, where is your notebook? Always bring a notebook. Finally, Kelly fired Jessica. It's about time, Kel. And, drum-roll please, Kelly is offering Whitney Jessica's job. Yes! Bi coastal lifestyle, sounds draining. Kelly's advice: "I wouldn't make any plans for the next couple of months."
Congrats Whitney!
To hold you over till next week, here are my favorite Spencer quotes of the night:
"It's like telling Iran and Israel to get along"
(Because the LC/Spencer feud is as important as the Middle East)
"I cant' make you un-my sister"
Oh my Gosh! I was repeating those 2 Spencer lines in my head yesterday and was still cracking up. And reading it again today!... He's just classic!
Glad I have another Hills fan b/c none of my friends watch it. What is wrong with them?
Spencer is so ridiculous. The Israel/Iran comment made my week. Where does he come up with that crap?
Wow... that was tiring -- I watch the show and still couldn't wait to read what was next ;0) -- props!
More like Israel and Palestine you idiot! Spencer is such a tool.
AH! This is so great. I just almost fell out of my chair reading this and laughing so hard. Thanks for the recap. I haven't been able to watch TV for a week and a half; I'm back in school and my ghetto college has the most horrid cable set up in the world. Oh, and the internet is JUST working in my dorm. Man, this show makes me feel so much better about my life. Hahahaha. Thanks again. You savior!
I don't watch the show but it seems like there is alot of drama going I think I might like it. I'll have to catch it next sounds addicting. :)
I am really glad that I didnt comment on Mondays post like I was going to with an OMG comment from the hills. But i figured since you hadn't posted about it, you hadn't seen it! glad I didnt ruin it!
I CANT believe Jessica got fired, that was awesome!
"I cant' make you un-my sister"
classic spencer. classic
oh man i can't wait to watch this week's ep, i missed it and i need to watch it stat. but love the recap. :)
I don't think that Lo tries to be a b*tch. I just think that's who she is. I don't even think she realizes that she is one.
I can't wait until next week. Hopefully, we'll see more of Brody...sigh.
oh my gosh girl your posts are too funny! you are so witty!
keep em comin
Kelly Cutrone once got me front-row seats to a bunch of Fashion Week shows - long story, but even though she was kissing my butt she is still scary in person. Yikes. But thank you, Working Girl, for covering The Hills! They don't air it in the UK and your synopses are fab :-)
Love your blog - just added it to my GR. Happy Friday!
I've been trying to not watch The Hills, but I am addicted. I think I am now on Team Audrina, because Lo and Lauren are too mean now.
I don't watch "The Hills" but I hear about all the drama on Perez. That being said, one thing about your post really jumped out at me - Did Spencer actually say, "I cant' make you un-my sister"? What a douche-bag! I mean, he was one before, but that doesn't even make sense! Someone send him to college. And why hasn't he come out of the closet yet??
Kelly scares the crap out of me, lol.
Thank you for the Spencer quotes, they may be my favorite part of the show even though I hate him intensely. I too, felt that the whole leaving Stephanie's bday was high school but how high school am I to be saying that right now?! Dang it.
I love your blog!
You should put a list of other blogs you we can enjoy them too!
out of all the HILLS reviews - yours is the funniest! i hate speidi so much!!
Ok, I have been watching this season of The Hills like it's my job & seeing as how I am waiting to start my new job, watching The Hills basically IS my job! But moving on...late one night I was watching an episode of Fresh Prince & who was an extra? None other than our very own Lauren Conrad! She was one of little Nicky's pre-school classmates! If I'm lyin', I'm dyin!
That Cutrone woman is vile.
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