Oh, and the greatest part about Carrie Underwood. Her birthday is March 10. So is mine.
So is it any surprise that this divine songstress is my latest Working Girl idol? Here's a little tidbit that you probably didn't know about WG2. If tomorrow someone came up to me and said, 'Hey, it's your lucky day. Fate decided to let you pick a celebrity to be for the rest of your life. Pick now!', I would pick Carrie Underwood.
Not only is she gorgeous, dates gorgeous guys, but she is also wildly successful and works in the country music business. And I have wanted to go to Nashville, Tennessee for as long as I can remember (someday, someday).
Overall, Carrie Underwood is an amazing Working Girl with a great combination of luck, beauty, and talent that has gotten her to where she is today.
And if you're ever feeling low and need a great pick-me-up song about dreams and life, download these gems from Carrie - "Crazy Dreams", "Wasted", and "Lessons Learned".
I love Carrie Underwood... I actually saw her in concert a few years ago. Great site, just found you guys yesterday. :)
I love her, too. She's fantastic-so talented, and a great head on her shoulders.
Don't forget she also dated the dreamy Tony Romo of the Dallas Cowboys (yum!). And yes, "Crazy Dreams" is a great tune!
The thing about Carrie Underwood is that she is just as pretty and sweet in person. And, she's from Oklahoma just like me! :)
Nashville is gorgeous (it's where I live now). I hope you get to make it out soon! Be sure and eat some good Southern food like at Monell's or the Loveless Cafe while you're here.
I know just how you feel! And somehow she manages to look completely gorgeous all the time! Congrats on the birthday sharing - I swear there isnt a single famous person out there who shares mine. Its very unfair ;-)
She is really a pretty gal. I love her song "So Small". It always makes me cry when I listen(and sometime singing to it). :D
I LOVE Carrie! She's my favorite female artist, too.
Oh, and my birthday is March 11th. Coincidence? I think not.
Oh, if I had to make that choice I'd probably pick Carrie too. Or maybe Kellie Pickler. I think they're both adorable.
Well Pisces is after all the best sign. ;o)
Well, working girls, you'll just have to put Nashville on your calendar! It's a beautiful city. Words cannot describe it, and its
history comes at you from all directions! Petra
I'm not a big country music fan, but I love! carrie underwood. She's adorable.
I think it's great that she also has a Christian theme in her songs, because of that she's filled with God's blessings.
Soy mexicano, y adoro a Carrie Underwood, pero aquí no he podido conseguir ninguno de sus discos como solista, bueno, era de esperarse ¿a que clase de freak mexicano le gustaría el country? no respondan eso. Quiero decir, el country es algo tipicamente estadounidense
erm ya.. i love her too. her music. ^_^
Love Carries' songs, however if I had to choose I'd pick Dana Fuchs, she is a very hard-working working girl.
I really dispise country & American Idol.. to the ends of the Earth really.
But I have to hand it to Carrie Underwood. She really stepped it up, and made a believer out of me. She is incredibly talented and has made a role model of herself.
I give her the "You Go Girl" seal of approval.
Nashville is an amazing city! You should definitely make plans to visit!!! There is always something DIFFERENT to do!
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