Hard to believe, I'm sure. But I'm not someone who talks back to my superiors. I do what I'm told to when I'm told to. I come in early and I stay late. I usually eat my meals at my desk. And this summer I have been working myself extra hard. We have had event upon event to plan and I haven't had a rest (proven by the fact that I made myself sick last week!).
It's always nice to have your hard work acknowledged. But sometimes a nice thank you e-mail just doesn't cut it. At our company, we have a way of giving due credit where it is deserved and that is with the Employee of the Month award (and no, I do not work at a fast-food restaurant or star in a movie with Dane Cook).
As I have mentioned before, my company slightly resembles NBC's The Office. And when I say slightly, I mean completely. Let's just say Dwight, Meredith, and Angela are all employed where I work. Point being, our Employee of the Month award is like a Dundie. It is given out once a month at our Family Meetings. Yep, I just put family and meeting in the same sentence. So at these Family Meetings, The CEO gets up and talks about how great our company is, how we're doing so well during this recession, announces the new hires, the anniversaries, and gives out a gift certificate to the hardest worker. Barf. I know. I hate these meetings (although they do get me out of an hour of work).
This month, I won that award. And The CEO said some nice things about me. The office clapped. And I left the office smiling. It is deeply gratifying being told that all that hard work you do means something to someone (especially to the head honcho). All those thankless days and nights you spend toiling in front of a computer screen or all those nights you stayed late for events are finally being noticed. It feels great. It's a top of the world feeling.
And I can't help but feeling like doing a jig in a shower of champagne (preferably pink champagne). Thank you to all the little people who helped me get here...oh, wait, I am the little person! Ok, so instead here's a big thank you to my bosses for seeing that I am putting in the extra effort.
And my prize for working my little ass off? A gift certificate to a spa. Ahhh. 80-minute massage here I come.
very entertaining blog!
Congratulations! Sounds like you deserve it! You go and get that 8 minute massage and try really hard not to count down the minutes!
Awesome! Enjoy that massage!
Congratulations! Feel free to come and do my job for me for a while and win me employee of the month. We get a $50 voucher!
Congrats - thats awesome!
It's always great to be acknowledged for hard work and dedication!! Congrats and definitely enjoy your massage.
I am a Working Girl too and am so glad to have found your blog!! Reading that there are others out there dealing with the same "issues" is a great way to start my work day!! Thanks for keeping it up. :)
Seeing as I just started at my job July 1, I don't see any employee of the month awards coming my way... but Kudos (yep, I said Kudos ;0) to you for rockin' hot spot of the month -- Loving ur blog --
It certainly is gratifying to be thanked like that. You're right in saying a simple email sometimes doesn't cut it.
It's great that you work in an environment where there is recognition like that. :)
Enjoy your spa day!
Companies seem to commonly forget how much a simple "Good Job!" or a pat on the back can mean to interoffice moral.
Aww I'm so proud of you! I can tell you're a hard worker by all the work you put into this blog.
80 minutes massage?! LUCKY GIRL!
Congratulations! That's awesome. Enjoy your massage, I so wish I could get one!
Hi WG2! Congratulations on being the Employee of the Month! Enjoy that spa!
I thought the place you worked was much bigger than THE OFFICE.
Congrats to you, nonetheless. It is always fun to be recognized.
Pink champagne sounds lovely.
Wow, recognition in front of the company by the CEO and a nice little spa trip. As a young working girl myself, I'm certainly envious of the massage.
And I completely agree how important it is to hear that you are doing a great job while "paying your dues."
Oh that's fab! Your office sounds like an exciting place to be. You deserve it!
That's actually a pretty sweet prize. Usually it's something like 10 dollars to Cold Stone's. I love that even though you complain (and it's entertaining as hell for us), you actually do the work well enough to get EOTM.
congrats! I also work with a few members of The Office. Definitely Michael and possibly meredith.
I'm just sad that I don't work with a Jim.
Hahaha! I love the Office reference...and am jelous that you have a DWIGHT (!) in your office. That is great! Congrats :)
Congratulations! It's always nice to be appreciated.
congrats!! Wish i could get just 5 minutes in a spa
Congrats! That is a great award.
Congratulations! It sounds like you and I have similar hum-drum days.
Yeah for you! You definitely deserve both the positive recognition and the time at the spa!
Congrats girl! Everyone deserves some recognition for their hard work!
Félicitations! You really deserve a financial bonus too.
Wow, congratulations!
We don't have anything like that. And if we did, I'd be VERY surprised if we got a spa voucher! Awesome!
What a hoot! Congrats! I think we all need more details on your real-life Dwight... Enjoy your massage!
Congrats! We'd have so much fun together, b/c like you, I love to complain and gossip too!
Good for you, girl!!! I'm sure you well deserved the 80 mins spa treatment - Hope you'll get the award again for more months to come!!!
My office does the same thing. lol. Congrats!
I always wanted to ask this: do you think female students count as working girls, too?
Congrats! Effort rewarded for once. :)
haha you sound like one of my co-workers - the one I sit closest to in the office. She loves to gossip! :o)
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