Wednesday, March 25, 2009

And I'm Dreaming of Work Tonight...

Last night I had a really bizarre dream that centered completely around work.

Let me set the scene for you: it was like I literally woke up in an alternate universe and it was like I knew this was my job, but I had no idea how anything worked. All of my co-workers were faceless and I didn't know any of them. It was like I had started a whole new job and everyone knew me, but I had amnesia about what I did on a daily basis.

Enter panic. I am told by one of my faceless co-workers that it's time for the event to start...right now. I can't remember what event it is that I have planned and apparently I have done nothing for it. I was supposed to order Mediterranean style food, but I didn't. I was supposed to get a curator to come and speak about Egyptian art, but I didn't. Apparently, all I had accomplished was getting a meeting space. (I know, elaborate dream, but I kid you not I woke up thinking, I should have just called Roti - this Mediterranean place I've been to eat a few times).

I was literally panicking in my dream - I made numerous phone calls but couldn't get through to people. And you know when in dreams you are doing things to make the situation better but it's like you make no progress. That's what this was like.

So I woke up in a panic thinking about cous cous and kebabs.

Of course, as soon as I got to work, I googled interpreting dreams and came up with this explanation:

To dream that you are at work, indicates that you are experiencing some anxiety about a current project or task. The dream may also be telling you that you need to "get back to work".? Perhaps you have been slacking and need to pick up the pace." -Dream Moods

Which womp womp just confirmed that I have been a severe slacker for the past two weeks. So thank you subconscious for making me feel even more guilty that I haven't been working on that project I was assigned a few days ago.

I promise, I will work on it long as you promise not to haunt my dreams again tonight.


Moi said...

last night I dreamed that I was in a field of cherry trees....
wonder what that means.

back to work! my subconcious needs to tell me that to!

Dollface said...

wow. Check out my post about dreams. I have some pretty vivid ones as well. I use an online dream dictionary to interpret mine. But having those dreams are so crazy, I actually enjoy remembering mine. Hope to see u on my blog soon, xoxo

Lindsay said...

I have tons of anxiety dreams like this. Why can't we just leave work at work without it sneaking into our subconscious?

workhard said...

I need to read one of those dream interpretation books..

Haiku Poems

Trixie said...

I think you need a vacation! haha. In my not-so-expert opinion, if you're dreaming of work you are working too much. :)

L.L. said...

I used to dream about work all the time. I knew once I found a job I stopped dreaming about at night, I had found me dream job. Ironic, no?

PS -

mary evelyn said...

oh, gross, i HATE dreaming about work.

golublog said...

I can never do things I dont know how to do in real life. It's like my subconscious can't even make it up. I would have the same kind of dreams you had about work in school, now that I work my dreams make no sense at all.

Abby said...

Ahhh!!!! I totally had the same type of bizarre dream last night too, only it involved my ex. It was super weird and felt insanely real, which totally freaked me out!

Really makes you wonder what dreams mean...

Ohmygoshi said...

i know this type of dream all too well! Except my version is I'm going on stage in 20 seconds and I have NO IDEA what the dance routine is. I try to fake it, and fail miserably! What makes it worse is that I've had it multiple times!

Selina Kingston said...

Hmmm! Sounds like a classic anxiety dream. You'll be dreaming you've turned up to work in just your undies soon, and worse they'll be tatty old ones that don't even match. Nightmare!!
I've just found your blog and I'm really enjoying it. If you have a moment take a look at mine.
Meanwhile, I'd better get back to work. It's OK today though, because I'm fully dressed ....!!

Mariana Neves said...

I really love it :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm loving your blog! I gave you guys a blogging award. Check it out on Magchunk.

Anonymous said...

I have a lot of anxiety-related dreams as well :( maybe try thinking of something else before falling asleep?

Dietingfashions said...

I always dream of my best friend since childhood. She's always in my dreams. She talks to me like we're still hanging out.

Sarah Glova said...

whenever I'm stressed about something I dream about it. when I started waiting tables I would wake up frantic after dreaming that I arrived at the restaurant 5 minutes late with 5 tables waiting on me... before the first day of school I always dream I can't find my class... etc. hate those stress dreams!!

hope you have a stress-dream-free sleep tonight. :)

Anonymous said...

I love reading this blog therefore I give you girls the KREATIV BLOGGER award!

harper & beatrix said...

i had a dream a few weeks ago about a work crisis. when i tried to call my boss, i just couldn't work my phone. i don't think i can read numbers in my dreams.


Vinita said...

My interpretation of your dream would be that you're feeling insecure...worried you won't be able to meet the demands of your job. Stay cool.
I liked the way you've presented your dream, nice picture.