Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I Made the Same Mistake Twice

I'm one of those people who is very into their birthdays. I've been known to celebrate not just on March 10th (yes, my bday was yesterday!), but for the whole month of March. For example, this year I managed to snag a dinner date with my dad, a birthday soiree party last weekend, and tomorrow some friends are taking me out bowling. And my birthday present this year was a flight to NYC so next week I will be celebrating my birthday (oh, and WG1's too). 

Point being, I love my birthday. Usually about a month before my fated day, I begin announcing it to anyone who will listen. Last year I publicized my birthday enough at my old workplace that some people bought me cupcakes, sang happy birthday to me, and bought me presents. But this year was a much different situation. I've only been at my new job for 4 months so putting my birthday on people's Outlook calendars didn't seem kosher (just kidding, I definitely did NOT do that last year). 

This year only a few people knew of my birthday - one of these people was Bill. Bill is our new IT guy who replaced Jay (the IT dude I thought had a crush on me). He and I started around the same time so he stops by desk at least once a day and mostly he tells me stories about his wife and crazy stories from his after work bar-tending gig. 

So one day, I of course let it slip that it was my birthday the following week and that I was turning 24. To which Bill responded, "Aw man, I'm 24 too! We must be the youngest people in the company!"

Insert dropped jaw here. 

To understand my shock, I guess you have to realize that Bill first of all looks much older than 24. He has facial hair, which always throws me off. And he's married. So when I see rings on fingers, I automatically assume that I'm talking with someone in their late 20's. I can't help it. 

And I didn't make this mistake just once. A few months earlier when I was in Atlanta for our conference, a co-worker of mine, Carlos, and I were eating dinner together when he got a call from his wife. He disappeared from our table and was gone so long his food got cold. When I asked another co-worker if they had seen him they laughed and said this happened all the time since his wife is so young that she often picks fights with him. Of course, I then inquired how old she in fact was. Apparently, she is the ripe young age of 22. 

Insert dropped jaw here.

Color me surprised when I found out he was actually in his mid-twenties and not over 30 like I had previously thought. Again, I had assumed Carlos was older not only because he was married, but also he had facial hair.

Moral of this working girl awkward moment, don't assume someone is over 25 just because they can grow facial hair. Oh, and also if they have a ring on their left finger. 


*Just Jen* said...

Happy Birthday!!!

Suz said...

Happy Birthday!!

And yeah I have made that mistake many times before. I like to think staying single keeps me younger longer :)

Girl Meets Beau said...

I always seem to mis-judge the age of men too! They're tough to judge.

And by the way Happy (late) Birthday!!!! I hope you had a blast and continue to celebrate :)

ThoughtsON said...

First off Happy Birthday! I'm the same way with my bday (March 5th here!)
That's hilarious about your mistake. My hubs is 25, (obviously he's married) and he's got facial hair. He'd throw you for a loop! LoL

Bayjb said...

Happy belated birthday! I am the same way about publicizing my birthday. I name drop it every time :)

Pam said...

So wait when is your birthday again? Just kidding. Happy Birthday! Bowling tomorrow? That sounds SO fun.

Yeah, I'm pretty much the worst judge of age ever. Facial hair is really deceiving...and I also assume any guy with a wedding band is over the age of 30. It just makes them seem so much more grown up to me.

tatum said...

haha WG2, you are too cute here. happy birthday.

Soni said...

Happy b'day dear :)

Unknown said...

Happy birthday!! I hope you have a fabulous birthday MONTH! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

You're just like my sister - everyone around her KNOWS when her birthday is, lol, she celebrates the entire month.

And I gave up on guesstimating people's ages. I just can't tell.

Anastasia B. said...

I do the same thing! Not so much with the facial hair but more so when someone is married or has a kid. I always assume they are in their late 20's...I don't know why, but I can't help it.

...Anastasia B.

Carissa Thilgen said...

Happy Birthday! I'm a March baby, too. mine is March 30 and I will also be turning 24! yay us! I don't usually mention it when my bday is coming up, the people who care already know I guess. But I work from home, so that makes it different. On the age thing, I look much younger than I am and NEVER get mistaken for being older! I guess that is a good thing but sometimes it would be nice not to get asked how old I am (people usually think I am 18) when out on assignment. I am also really bad at guessing other people's ages, so I guess I can't blame people for not getting mine right! :)

p.s. Just found this blog recently and I love it!

ipv6 said...

funny assumption

Sandy said...

Happy Bday!
Just one more year for that quarter of a century milestone!

Enjoy NY!

Nickie. said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!!

Jenn said...

Happy birthday!

Yes I also make the mistake of thinking that anyone that's married HAS to be at least 26 or older...not sure when that way of thinking will change haha.

Cristina said...

LOL...people at work think I am lot older because I am married (I just turned 26 people!) Some people even ask me about my kids...ummm, did I got on a mat leave I didn't know about?

PS - Happy Birthday!!!!

TexanCouture said...

Happy Birthday!

I make a big deal out of mine as well especially since mine is on the 4th of July so I need people to know that I need my "office party" a few days earlier since we will be closed for my actual birthday.

Moi said...

happy belated birthday! Enjoy all your festivities!

Sam said...

Happy Belated Birthday!! I love birthdays too, not just mine, but everyone's. I wrote a post with 25 things about me, and one was that I love sending cards, especially for birthdays. I think people should enjoy their birthday and feel special, so go you! Also, don't worry about the age misjudging, facial hair screws everything up!

Samantha said...

Its always nice to hear I'm not the only birthday freak. My family is trained to know that the entire month of November is indeed my birthday! And for some silly reason they all go along and shower me with presants for the whole month! YAY BIRTHDAYS!

Hope you have a great Marchday!

June said...

I have a surprise for you on my blog today :-)

CIP said...

Happy birthday! Yay for March babies, my birthday was yesterday. Oh, and I turn all my birthdays into month long celebrations too. I've been counting down for my 21st bday since Christmas, and I got 1. bar with mom and dad 2. bar with friends. 3. atlantic city with cousins and 4. birthday dinner with family.

Cal said...

Oh my gosh, too funny! You and Narm both wrote about beards and age this week...

...and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I just turned 24 and so far, it has been an awesome age.

Dre said...

I'm A Game on guessing guys age, however, the married part is always what throws me off. I mean is there a reason you are 31, married, with kids, and hitting on me at the bar on Saturday night? Jeez!

Karyn Beach said...

Happy Birthday, WG! I'm the same way about my birthday. Believe me when I say I own September! I live in another city but when I go home for the holidays, I still have friends that are taking me out to eat and dropping by with birthday gifts at Thanksgiving and Christmas (where I sometimes score two gifts!).

I'm a lot older than you but I look young for my age, so frequently, I have to cover up that look of surprise when people tell me that they are my age and I thought they were A LOT older. Once I think I even said, out loud, "Really?" when a co-worker told me how old she was!

Shen Dove said...

Happy Birthday fellow Pisces! My bday was on March 8th. Hope you had a good one.

Michele said...

Happy Belated Birthday!! I not only celebrate my birthday, but my half-birthday (6 months) as well!

Both February 2nd, and August 2nd are excuses to be showered with gifts and drinks :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!!

And I make that mistake ALL the time too!

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday!!! You should make a big deal out of your birthday. I hope that you had lots-o-fun with all of your festivities.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

haha! That is funny about the facial hair and being married.

Els Dines said...

Happy Belated Birthday..
I absolutely love your blog..

anyway, take care..

Jackie said...

Best to never mention age at all! Always the chance that you might offend unintentionally!

ceecee said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

My boyfriend is 23 years old, but with facial hair, especially with his goatee, he looks older than me, and I'm 24 soon-to-be 25 years old.

Don't worry, facial hair throws me off, and it throws other people off, I'm sure.

Hope your March will be fun!