Meeting Notes is a weekly feature. Here we will dish on tidbits, news, and important things we think you Working Girls should know. So scroll down to hear what we think you should glean from this work week.
I know most of us aren't going to be resigning from our jobs any time soon, but keep this one on the back burner just in case. This employee resigned from his job at the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard by writing his resignation letter on a cake. Yum!
Last week, Sec. of State Hilary Clinton and First Lady Michelle Obama honored eight international working women who are making a change for gender equality in our world today. Included in the line-up were Suaad Allami, a prominent lawyer from Iraq, who defends women's rights as well as Norma Cruz, director of the NGO Survivors Foundation, who combats violence against women. To read about all the receipients, click here.
Did you know that for every 71 cents a woman makes in the state of Illinois, a man earns a dollar? This NY Times article's theory is that discrimination and personal choices within the occupation are the factors of why women are earning less. Another factor? Men log more hours.
Two weeks ago, the ultimate career woman turned 50...yep, Barbie! Yes, I know she's a doll, but she has also been the ultimate Working Girl. On Barbie's resume, astronaut, surgeon, even President of the United Sates. Below is a little skit that SNL did on Barbie's birthday - and since it involves Kirsten Weig and the words "working", I thought this might be a nice Friday treat. Enjoy!
that has GOT to be the best resignation letter ever. I haven't gotten to the other links yet, but I just needed to share that with you. Thanks for the pieces of sunshine!
I actually WILL be resigning from my job come June, and a cake sounds like an excellent way to announce my departure (along with some tasty beverages!) Don't worry though, I have another job lined up (in NYC!!!!)
that has GOT to be the best resignation letter ever. I haven't gotten to the other links yet, but I just needed to share that with you. Thanks for the pieces of sunshine!
I actually WILL be resigning from my job come June, and a cake sounds like an excellent way to announce my departure (along with some tasty beverages!) Don't worry though, I have another job lined up (in NYC!!!!)
That Barbie post was too funny!
Interesting sidenote- I run the program that funds the clinics Suad Allami oversees here in Baghdad.
this was such an interesting read :)
your posts these days are rare, and getting shorter :( Working too hard working girls?
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