Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Be Careful What You Wish For

Since I was an intern, I wanted to work on events. I loved the fast-paced environment and running on adrenaline. As and intern and when I was a sales assistant, I assisted with numerous events. I ran around, did as people asked and solved small problems where I could. I was always assisting someone. I was never working on my event.

Very soon, I have my first event. I'm freaking out (which is causing me to break out, awesome). This isn't just a "hey, let's have a cocktail party for about 40 people" event. It's a "hey, let's fly a bunch a people to a place and do this and then that and oh, we just found out we need go here when we scheduled this" event.

Don't get me wrong, I'm excited. But I'm stressed. I said to WG2 this weekend, "Um, why did I want this job?" I've realized that what I love about events, is the actual event. I love event day, even if I'm stressed. And there is nothing like the high I have after an event is finished and gone well.

Pre-event, well, it's a lot different when you're the one planning. I'm learning the ropes of the pre-event and learning to love it. There is much more that goes into than I realized, I've dropped the ball on a few things and, I think, disappointed Mom Boss a bit (another story for another day). Because it's my first event, I wanted everything leading up to it to go smoothly.

With the event only days away, I can only just get everything together, pull it all off on event day and use what I've learn with this event for the next one. Oh, and hope that the post-event feeling is event better because it was my event and it went well.


Katness said...

I know this is an old cliche, but it works for me; go through the event in your mind and give it the outcome you want to have at the end. See yourself succeed and congratulate yourself for doing such great job. And things will go your way in the actual event. Yes, sounds silly, but I've been doing it since my favorite motivational speaker suggested it during my job hunt.Go get them girl!

Lauri's Cakes said...

So what was your original dream? How old are you again? If you have the motivation then make sure you pace yourself. Don't forget to watch a movie called "Entry Level", why? Because someday your efforts are going to end up being a demise rather then the dream. Not trying to burst your bubble, it's looking at the realistic view of your situation. I like your style, glad that you're able to do it.


Amber said...

That's so cool that you're doing what you want to do now, though!

I'm starting my first internship on Monday, it's at a Public Relations office. Any advice?

ThoughtsON said...

Good Luck!!! I am sure it will all come out amazing :)

Moi said...

I have been there. Nothing works out perfect the first time - this one might be rough but you will learn from it and then you will be awesome!

Career Girl Network Marcy said...

Being in the events industry, I've done hundreds of events and I STILL make mistakes every one. You just keep learning and learning and learning and you'll never make the same mistake twice. Trust me, at the end of the day, when events run smoothly, everyone forgets what happens up until that point. It's all about the end result!

Dollface said...

Good luck doll.. I do this all day and its very stressful... just keep shining!! xxooo

Leanne said...

Ahhhh events are so stressful. It's the thought that any little thing could go wrong and have a domino effect, creating mass chaos.

Make checklists. You'll learn fast, and then you can start to get a system in place to cover everything that needs done.

The rush you get when you pull off a successful event is totally worth the stress. I'm sure you'll do great!

Suz said...

Part of my job is planning our participation in trade shows and it is a lot of work. It's not fun in the pre-planning, but when the event is happening and you see everything come together, it is great...stressful when you are running around like crazy and keeping your fingers crossed that all the pieces fall together, but it gives me a "work high" like no other.

Teach.Workout.Love said...

Good luck!! i hope the event is awesome!

k said...

I used to do event planning and like you, I LOVED event day - the adrenaline and everything about it. It was my most favorite job still!

Mara said...

I'm experiencing a "be careful what you wish for" moment myself....I moved into a Web Content Manager position in my office this week. I am already asking myself if it was a good idea...the new job is more demanding, requires longer hours of work and less flexibility, and they screwed me out of the raise I was promised!

The Wife in Stilettos said...

best of luck to you, working girl!