Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Administrative Professionals' Day!

Did you know that the Wednesday of the last full week of April is Administrative Professionals' Day?

Yea, me either.

That was until this morning when my boss presented me with a HUGE (we're talking massive) bouquet of flowers! He thanked me for all the work I'm doing and I blushed because any time someone compliments me I turn into a teenager meeting their teen idol.

To give a little background on my job (because I realize it can be confusing - what does she do??? I can hear you asking...she does events, and emails and now she's an admin assistant - whatttttt?). I am technically the assistant to one of our EVP's, so I handle his calendar mostly, print stuff, file stuff. But I would say that takes up about 10% of my day. The rest of my time at work, I work on special projects which include our two large events a year and most recently an e-mail strategy project.

Right now my flowers are sitting on my desk emitting a heavenly scent and some of the flowers haven't even bloomed - so I'm thinking these suckers are going to last a lot longer than a week!

Man, I love my boss.


Cass said...

That's too sweet! So many bosses completely overlook this day/week.

I was happy that the staffing company I work through stopped by my office to bring me a mug with some candy. It's small but in this type of position any kind of recognition for what you do makes all the difference.

FB @ said...

That is super sweet that your boss did that for you :)

OMG! NO JOKE! My word verification says: APRIL


rachaelgking said...

I got an e-card. From one of my 12 bosses.

You win.

Dollface said...

I was just talking about this at work.... my boss gave me nada... booo... I want flowers!! xxxooo

Optimistic Pessimist said...

You should post a picture of the flowers on you blog!

jasmine said...

aww that's so sweet! good for your boss for remembering. a couple years ago, my boss gave me a beautiful bouquet of my favorite flowers. that was back when i worked in an office. it made me so happy. i wish all bosses did stuff like this to show their appreciation!

Kelli said...

That is so sweet!! I want a boss like yours! :)

~elisa~ said...

Wow... my boss would NEVER do that. How nice of him!

Kimmy @ kimmythingy said...

How wonderful to have a boss that appreciates you so much. Since every week is boss' week, its lovely to be recognised for everything that you do!


Mandi said...

When is Operations Manager Day? My friend is an admin assistant and got taken out for lunch. Happy Obscure Holiday!

Unknown said...

oh that's so sweet!!! Flowers on your desk makes working better ...and smell better :)

Anonymous said...

I have an Administrator who works for me and for five District Managers who also work for me. We all signed a card and gave her a small "bath and beauty" basket. And I gave her a card from me that included a gift card for her to spend as she liked. (That's what I always like to get -- choice!) She seemed to appreciate it. She is one in a million and we are SO LUCKY to have her! When I was an assistant, many years ago, I remember HOW FAR a simple "thank you" went from those who were thoughtful enough to care. Good topic.

Anonymous said...

That is very, very sweet :)

sarah said...

back in south africa it`s called `secretary`s day` :) i don`t know if thats an unPC term??

Carissa Thilgen said...

how nice of your boss! and I totally relate to the blushing thing-- I work from home but when I go into the office every wednesday to do layout (I write for a newspaper), if my boss comes over and talks to me or gives me a compliment on my work I blush like a little school girl! I think it's because I get nervous... I don't know why though! damn my pale face :)

Carissa Thilgen said...

a short p.s.

I gave you working gals a blog award on my blog today. just wanted to say I love the blog!

happy weekend!

TudorCity Girl said...

That's so great! I'm glad you have a nice boss who truly appreciates you and all the hard work you do!

The other year for Admins day I was so not appreciated in that job and rather miserable. So I called in sick on Admins day, went to the spa and then to the beach and had the best day ever! (Just a tip for anyone reading who does not have a boss who even recogizes the day such as I had back in my Assistant days).

sanely insane said... are u really sure their is such a day, or that the boss wanted to give u flowers :)eli