And then around this time last year, I cut my hair into this trendy bob (thanks for the inspiration Posh & Katie).
Now my hair is growing out and I'm starting to get lazy. I have no more bangs to speak of, lots of split ends, and most days I put my hair in a bun at the nape of my neck and twist my somewhat existent bangs into this curly q on the side of my head (and sometimes a Lauren Conrad braid works).
But I'm getting bored again people. And I need some ideas.
I want something obviously that screams "I am a working professional" but can also be hot for the weekend. I also have to mention that I'm trying to grow my hair out to do Locks of Love.
I have narrowed my options down to the following and I need your help in determing which hairstyle will get to grace my head for the next few months. And is obviously OK'ed for work situations.
Option 1: Not overdone bangs, subtle layers.

Option 2: back to a more blunt fringe with no layers

Option 3: something simpler, no bangs, just great long layers
So you tell me Working Girls - which is the best option?
Definitely the Mandy Moore style.
I used to do that change of style regularly but these days it's the color I switch up.
I like the first style!
I personally don't like mandy's hair. I don't think it does anything for her face and it looks boring. I love bangs; I feel like you always have a "look" with them. Your hair down or up in a pony tail, it's something trendy. I'm not sure about the blunt cut though. It really depends on your face shape. What about combining bangs with long layers?
if you want it to be professional i'd pick either mandy moore or eva longoria (i think) but it also depends on the shape of your face too
I'm working on growing mine out to the third option right now, but if you can rock those solid bangs, GO FOR IT!
Yeah, it depends on the shape of your face. I really like all these styles. Ask your hairdresser what he/she thinks! Good luck!
I really like the second look. The fringe bangs are super trendy right now :-)
I like no bangs and long layers as of now -- especially going into warmer weather. You sweat and your bangs stick to your head. I'd know, I got bangs in late spring in 04 and it was a bad idea - cute, but bad idea lol. I kept them for that fall and then grew it all out. Now, my hair is at the middle of my back and my bangs are all out. Just waiting for my layers to be even so i can get a clean new set of layers lol.
I personally don't think you can go wrong with long layers and no bangs. It's always "in" and you can do so much with it -- layer your bangs shorter so sometimes you can side sweep them or have them hidden. I do it all the time lol I feel long layers are extremely versatile.
Option 3.. this is what I'm working on!
I'm growing OUT my bangs and concentrating on my angles and layers. Bangs are done.. for now.
i like 1 and 3. but 1 looks more professional while 3 looks more teenage girl types. ur call
LOVE the Mandy M. style ....sexy, chic, pulled together, pretty, and can be casual as well. love it. not too overdone. I just bought clip-on bangs ...so that's an options ....I could go on and on really :)
In europe blunt bangs are out!!
they are sooo last year!
I love mandy's hair! go with that!!
I'd go with the long layers. It works straight, curly, and allows you to pull it up for those long work meetings.
Locks of Love is an amazing organization. I've donated hair 4 time. But they also need money to keep going, so if you cut off your hair, please consider a tax deductible monetary donation.
i'd go with a combination of 1 and 3. Maybe with a sweeping side bang. still keep the long layers in the back, and frame the face with a few shorter ones!
1st pic or 3rd pic...def NOT the bangs...so out!
the third option
Hands down Mandy Moore! :)
I like the Mandy Moore, you can tie it back, wear it straight or curl it up...so many different looks to play with out of one hair cut
I think that 1 is your most versatile look of all three! I am feeling the 'new-do-needed' itch as well!
it really depends on your face shape. But I say the option 2....really only because I couldn't pull it off. But then again you've done something like that before so go for Mandy! haha
Mandy. I just love it.
I think #2 looks the most mature, but then again, I hate wearing bangs. So, I guess it is a more personal decision.
i love the 2nd one. heavy bangs look really good in my opinion
I may not be a working girl, but I feel it is best not to take hairstyle tips from disney aged rock stars... even if they do make catchy songs that are frigging impossible to get out of your head. Trust Mandy Moore, she will never lead you wrong.
I vote option 1!
I just went through this process myself! I ended up getting the Alexa Chung bob, but I think "Option 3" is probably best if you're trying to grow out your hair. I LOVE BANGS, but they're a pain to grow out, and if you've already gone half-way, I would finish the job!
Snip snip... if your feeling really brave cut it like Audrey's here:
def #1
1 or 3 but not 2
Number 3. But im biased because i love long sleek hair...
I think the first style looks the best, both for the weekend and for work. Plus, it's a style that you can allow to grow out some without it looking weird. :)
I'm so totally partial to bangs. And if you can pull off the blunt fringe, it's so dramatic and chic!
I vote for option 1!
I too got the Katie Holmes bob and am currently growing it out into more of the Mandy Moore because I cannot live without my ponytail.
I like 1 or 3. Either would look cute.
Oh and btw I have an award for you at my blog! Thanks! Enjoy your posts a lot.
I Loove Look two. It is so chic and trendy, and even versatile. You can rock it at work or party it up for a happy hour. I think it all depends on your own personal look though. Face shape, hair texture, personal style etc.
Just 'try on' a hair style at a hair style website. I did it, it is so fun and easy!
Check this link from my blog >>
I like the last one, I think its most versatile. You will be able to style it in many more ways because of the layers. Its also a good cut that will work when you are feeling lazy and dont want to do your hair :]
I love the Mandy Moore style. I had bangs too but they are such a pain to grow out! We have nominated working girl with an attitude of gratitude award. Check out the link below:
I love option 3 but I guess I'm commenting after eons :D so which one did you opt finally?
That is really cool. Thanks for finding it. Some really good ideas there, this is going to be a real time sink. I am a china tour lover,You can learn more: Beijing tour | Guilin travel | Lhasa attractions
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