Monday, April 27, 2009

Things I Could Do Without

Today was one of those days where one second it was 8AM and then next time I looked at the clock it was 11:30AM. Where did my day go?!

Because my brain is mush and my Internet is shotty, I am compiling a list of things that I hate/loathe about working.

1. Commuting. Nuff said. 
2. People who talk on their cell phones the wholeeeeeeeeeee way to work. I mean, really people?! Really?!
3. Nosy co-workers
4. People who hover over your desk. I like my personal space thankyouverymuch.
5. Contracts that need to be signed before I leave for the day and bosses who suddenly go missing (and by missing I mean in meetings for hours and hours) and can't sign said contracts so you have to stay late and then you can't go return your stupid cable box.
6. Blisters from new shoes
7. Lean Cuisine lunches
8. Coming back to work after a long weekend (WG1 visited me this weekend so I took Friday off!!!), and returning to 50 unread emails. No fun. 
9. Co-workers who talk so loudly on the phone that you can't hear yourself think
10. Someone drinking all the water in the water cooler and then not replacing it 

Ok, whew. That was nice to get off my chest. To be honest, today wasn't horrific, but it was really busy. 

And seriously, commuters need to stop talking on their cell phones all the way to and from work. Obnoxious.


Abby said...

People talking in anywhere in public that is a small space really irk me (especially on public transit!) In a way, I think some of them do it because they want everyone to think they are important or something.

Living Dees Life said...

i 100% absolutely agree with you!

Christina said...

I hear ya on all 10 of those! All of them bug the heck out me too...especially the water cooler!

Katness said...

Commuting is the not fun, I agree. And then you add people talking loud on their cell phones the whole way makes it unbearable. Especially on those days when I have forgotten to charge my Ipod and can't block the noises with loud music...

Teach.Workout.Love said...

Definitely agreeing with you on all of those!!

YAY for monday being over!

Miss A said...

I hear ya on the 50 email thing! When I went on vacation two years ago my inbox was completely full with people needing messages to go on our electronic messaging board system, even though I posted a message telling them to do it BEFORE I went on vacation.

Amy said...

I have a Lean Cuisine lunch today that I'm totally not looking forward to. The cell phone thing drives me batty too. Even worse when they're using a wireless headset!

A Dilettante's Perspective said...

Some of those things you can take control of: Cute shoes that make your outfit, or your confidence, but also kill your feet are ridiculous. The boost of wearing those shoes wears off the moment they start hurting your feet, so why not go on the hunt for some comfortable shoes that you can wear all day but might whisper "powerful working girl" instead of scream it. And as for Lean Cuisine lunches: just don't do it. Take the time in the evening to make up a salad or buy some healthy sandwich supplies and eat that everyday. And as for people hovering over your desk, just ask them to leave, or make it clear that you have work to do and they are distraction. It might seem rude, but you can point out how rude it is that they are keeping you from your work.

Children of the 90s said...

Coming back after a long weekend to a flood of emails is the WORST. Totally agree.

Marcia said...

Soooo understandible! Good luck with commuting, I'm glad to be in my car :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I feel ya, girl. Especially on blisters from new shoes (that was me yesterday all the way).

I do think that some people feel awkward standing around doing nothing in public and need something to fiddle with (they feel like everyone's watching them even though they're not). I know I surf the net and text a lot when on the bus, but only make calls when I'm at the bus stop (and try to keep my voice down). Of course, some people are just inconsiderate.

Anna Routh said...

UGH - You know what I could do without? 1. The office dog (because) 2. He sites behind my desk and all I hear all day is baby talk and kissing noises that make me want to scream!

Iva Messy said...

LOL! I'm with you on all counts!

Mara said...

Preach on sista'!