Back in the good old days, a Working Girl could walk to the supply closet and grab a green box of Office Depot tissues. Not any longer. With the recession causing higher costs for everything from gas to paper, we are cutting costs. The first thing to go: tissues. Seriously. With cold and flu season upon us, this could be a bad choice.

Upset by this new development, I ran to the supply closet to secure one of the last boxes of tissues for myself. When I left the office last Friday, my box was neatly sitting on my desk. Upon my return on Monday, the box was missing. Someone stole it. And that, my friends, was the beginning on my draining work week.
We had the same thing happen at our office. Tissues, pens and paper magically appeared and then somehow the iron hammer came down and now we get nada unless necessary. That's lead to a rise of stealing in the office.
Now don't you think that's just so weird. Of all the things you could cut costs with, they pick the tissues first. Crazy I tell you
K seriously the tissues?! So uncool! I'm totally protective of my tissues and my post-it notes. Catch the theif. Steal their tissues.
OMG!! LOL!!! Who knew there could be a war on tissues :)
Ha Ha, this is seriously one of the craziest things I have heard of. You with have to get the little travel packs and them in your desk.
Someone stealing the tissues right off your desk? That's so demoralizing. It's almost as bad as someone eating your food in the communal fridge.
man i would be so screwed, i have gone through so many boxes lately it's ridiculous.
What if they scratch toilet paper next? That could produce a very undesirable result...
I don't even think my company has any tissues!
What's next . . . B.Y.O.T.P?
It's that way here too (BYOT). I also bring my own pens, highlighters ect. And they constantly go missing from my desk. I even put up a sign that said, please do not help yourself. Doesn't seem to be working.
What?! Who would steal tissues? That's just evil!
Do offices have no shame now? Next they're going to start splitting the utilities bills amongst your paychecks.
Where are those security cameras when you need them?
I can't believe someone stole it! Really, they couldn't afford a $2.00 box of tissue? I guess you could chalk it up to charity in that case.
aww man, that totally sucks. both about B.Y.O.T. AND someone taking your last box of tissues.
They do that at schools now, they tell the students to BYOT and BYOHS (bring your own hand sanitizer)
seriously, what has the world come to?
Look at it this way.... you can go out and buy the type of kleenex you like and not suffer with the hard paper kind.
And when I worked in an office, I got pissy if someone stole the kleenex of my desk. Finally, I put one out on the desk marked "FOR THE PUBLIC" and then put my personal box away when I wasn't going to be in the office. It's mine... leave it alone! ;) Heh.
My favorite was when our office when from double ply tp to single. YUCKO! There are some comforts that should not be left behind. Pretty soon we will be using sheets of paper torn from magazines!
I love your web design!
Did you do it yourself?
Geez, seems like a weird way to cut costs! And people will steal anything -- someone stole my little blue recycling bin at work. Losers.
It can be a real problem for we males - Man Flu is a serious condition. But do you hear us complain...?
Really enjoy your blog btw.
WHAT?!?!?!?! tissues? seriously?
This blog is hilarious. I would never think to blog about it, but now that I've read this one, I totally know where you are coming from! We've been having a few tissue thieves ourselves around here. I like your blog. I'm a new blogger, blogging about related issues. I'd love initial feedback from a experienced blogger. My link is
Let me know what you think, any feedback is welcome. I'll definitly start following your blog!
my office has been BYO forever. Everyone puts their names on their supplies. I've gone completely "green" and now whenever I need to make a note, I just start a new word doc and save it on my desktop as a way to remind myself to do something. That and I'm also broke and am not going to buy supplies for the office.
Tell the Tissue Police these words of wisdom....
" You cannot save your way to prosperity "
what a foolish move..........
makes me want to cry!!!!
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