Notes From This Week's Meeting is a weekly feature. Here we will dish on tidbits, news, and important things we think you Working Girls should know. So scroll down to hear what we think you should glean from this work week.
- One of WG1 and mine's go-to sites for the job search is Ed2010. If you're looking for a job in the world of publishing or magazines, this is the place to hit up. Each semester Ed gives an unpaid intern working at a magazine in NYC the opportunity to win a cash prize of $1,000. Because Ed knows how ridiculously expensive NYC is. For rules and an application, click here. Fyi, deadline is September 30, 2008. So get a typing!
- It is officially official. Our favorite character on The Hills (which we are SO over btw), Whitney Port, is getting a spin-off. MTV will follow around the tall blonde while she works for Diane von Furstenburg and lives in the Big Apple. Look for the show to premiere in early 2009. This news is magic to my "I have fallen out of love with The Hills" ears.
- I am the first person to admit that I don't know how to walk in high heels. My feet cramp, bleed, get blisters. I whine. So I wear flats. But I might just bust out the $19.95 for the workout DVD LegWork. It promises to increase your sexiness and confidence, not to mention decreasing your pain while wearing five inch stilettos. I'll take one. Kthanksbye.

- I stumbled upon a website a few weeks ago that I just had to share with the class. Damsels in Success is an oasis for women in the workplace. This website is all about providing a forum for women to discuss, rant, rave, and support each other with their working woes and triumphs. In other words, what we hope and aspire to be someday. And we so love the name of the company (and secretly wish we had thought of it ourselves).
- Hopefully, you WG's all caught Project Runway last week (and if you didn't, I'm sure it will play five more times between now and Sunday) when the designers had to design for the Working Girl. Some ideas? So out-dated. I didn't hate Joe's outfit, but Suede and those sleeves! Lord almighty. Let's just say the right design won. And if you don't have time to catch the episode get the quick dish from Michael Kors' blog.
We hope you have a good weekend Working Girls!
Oh my lord! You made my day! I LOVE WHITNEY! Oops I'm yelling....but it's worthy of all caps.
This should make for a great spin-off show.
How awesome!
As for PR (project runway) did you see this week's? I swear Kenley is gonna get in trouble! But I love her anyways!
Love the notes Working Girl. Definitely going to check "Ed" out! Thanks!
You need some Nike Air Cole Haans!
Pssst. One more thing working girls. I left you something over at my blog! I hope you guys like it!
I am so getting that dvd!
i'm so excited for whitney's show, i heart her.
Damsels in Success is a great forum indeed :)
I'm going to check out "Ed"...awesome!
i've been contemplating getting that legword dvd for a while... i think i'll do it. and yes whitney port is my faveeeeee character too! she is the only one that isn't crazy drama queen!
Now this is why i love your blog - we would never have heard that great Whitney Gossip on this side of the world!! Your blog is great and im nominating you for a Brilliant Weblog Award! Keep up the great blogging girls
I can't physically/emotionally/mentally wear high heels either (and since I whine too, NO ONE wants to be around me if I do) but I realized that platform heels and wedges are so much more comfortable! Get it together and solicit yourself a pair or ten, honey!
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