- It's that time of year again girlies (and we don't mean the fall TV season) - fall Fashion Week in New York City starts soon. So, New York Mag got everyone's favorite non-makeup wearing, black-clad boss from The Hills, Kelly Cutrone, to vlog about her day-t0-day grind. Click here to hear all about Kelly's Working Girl drama in trying to deliver invitations to foreign editors. All I know is I would not want to be Whitney right about now.
- Want to know if you're being underpaid? My guess. Yes. This snazzy little site let's you enter your title and your zip code and gives you the dilly-o on whether or not you're making bank for your expertise. For more information on upping your salary, try checking out www.salary.com.
- Women stepping over each other to get ahead at work? Sounds like 'Mean Girls Go to Work'.
But I get what Hannah Seligson, a freelance journalist and author of New Girl on the Job: Advice from the Trenches is saying in her latest article in the New York Times. In college it felt like girls were all about lifting each other up (sorry did I get too girl power there?). But in our careers, women are more vicious and we also let our perfectionism get in the way. A lot to ponder, but a great read.
- As I was eating lunch today in a cafe near work, I saw on TV that the unemployment rate jumped to 6.1% this past August. That's the highest it's been in 5 years. Which is why I'm thanking my lucky stars that I'm employed. (Wompppp wompppp, who brought the Debbie Downer?).

- Word is that US Weekly lost 10,000-5,000 subscribers just for featuring Sarah Palin on the cover of their recent publication. So we're hoping we don't lose any of our loyal readers just by mentioning her name in this post.
We hope you have a great weekend Working Girls!
thanks for the review of a book. I think I might go pick it up! By the way great blog!
Good links! Well, i'm being underpaid. Ugghh.
As a woman, I think it's ridiculous that People lost that many readers for putting Palin on the cover -- It only says to me they are closed minded -- No matter which way I vote, I like to get the "scoop" on both parties, wouldn't you say that's the best way to choose your candidate?
Those are some great little tips - thanks for keeping us informed working girl! Its no wonder they lost so many subscribers - Palin is an insult to working women everywhere but I seriously doubt anyone will boycott your blog for putting her in your post. Have a good weekend!
Good for Sarah Palin-- I'm not a political supporter, I'm just glad 10,000 people stopped reading US Weekly. It's such garbage.
I can't believe the magaizine lost so many subscribers just by posting Palin. I'm swinging towards the opposite party, but I still think her story is interesting to learn:) This election day will be VERY interesting!!!
awesome links!! hahaha that IS SO FUNNY about the usweekly and sarah palin!!!
Hey there Working Girls! I JUST read Seligson's article in the Times. Great minds do think alike. Definitely experienced that 'low woman on the totem pole' stuff--which is why I bailed. "New Girl" is on my reading list. Love!
That book looks interesting - might have to try to find it before my business trip this week. Love the blog!
oh very cool links, checking them out stat.
Damn, I just read that Us Weekly last night and was terrified by the picture of Sarah Palin (INTENSE, anyone?) on the cover and then I'm perusing new blogs and you have to spring that on me!
Actually, they didn't really lose readers because they featured Palin. They lost readers because people thought Jann Wenner's politics influenced a liberally biased article.
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