No? I was the only one utilizing the unsend button?
If only we had that for work. Well, some of us Working Girls do have the ability to retract an email depending on our email program. However, these programs give the recipient the option of letting the sender retract it or reading the email and then allowing the sender to retract, completely defeating the purpose or retracting the email.
Let's be honest, we've all addressed an email to the wrong person before. Or made an embarrassing typo. But nothing I've ever done beats this email that surfaced last week on Defamer:

I bet Michelle wishes she could have retracted this email once she realized that Rosh Hashanah is a Jewish high holy day which many people take of to observe. What I'd like to know is have any of you sent out embarrassing emails or is it just me and Michelle, the Dreamworks employee?
HILARIOUS! Way to go Michelle.
I saw that this past weekend and as someone who is Jewish, I LAUGHED HYSTERICALLY. Poor Michelle.
I don't recall using the unsend button, but BOY do i remember discussing Hanson and their favorite colors.
Workwise...not any.
Personal emails on the other hand I have way too many regrettable emails to count. Emails sent to the wrong person, a love letter sent to my entire twin club list serve. Thank goodness it was to my husband!
Fortunately, no. I have, however, sent a text message to a person other than the intended recipient. Quite a disaster.
That email is too hilarious.
Fortunately, I've been lucky and haven't sent any emails that were too embarassing to any co-workers.
I just had to comment though on your Hanson chatroom reference because that was so me! My BFF and I would sit on for hours on the weekends chatting with people from all over. They were probably 50 year old pedophiles, but we didn't know better back then (I say that like it was ages ago). We'd stay up until 4 or 5 a.m. just chatting. It was insane.
lol no embarassing emails yet WG, but BUT I always did wonder what Taylor's favorite color was!! awww
Ha! I saw this email the other day. Amazing. What an idiot.
Fortunately, (knock on wood) I have not yet sent any embarrassing emails besides sending meeting invitations to my bosses using the wrong time zone. Every time! For some reason my email really wants me to live on the west coast.
I don't remember sending embarassing e-mails to anyone right now, but does chatting on MSN count? If yes, then I definitely had some awkward moments.
Well, I hope this counts:
My mother-in-law had sent me the most RETARDED email ever, and I was just fuming over it. I forwarded it to my husband and, out of anger, added some little caveat to the effect of, "Look at what your whore bitch mother sent me now!"
IMMEDIATELY after sending it I was almost positive that I had hit the "reply all" button as opposed to the "forward" button.
It turned out that I did hit "forward", but I had a 30 second heart attack that my mother-in-law knew that I called her a whore bitch.
A friend of mine actually just called me on Friday hysterically laughing as she received an e-mail from one of her vendors and then an immediate e-mail afterwards saying, "PLEASE PLEASE DISREGARD THAT LAST E-MAIL. I DEEPLY APOLOGIZE"
Obviously, she read it anyways and she said the only text in the e-mail was, "Dude, I wish she was a hooker. She looked more like a hooker's grandma". Apparently, what was supposed to go to that person's friend mistakenly was sent to my friend, her boss, and his boss. Oops.
It isn't even my story but it makes me laugh.
That is hilarious! I love this blog...keep up the great work!
hahaha that is tooo funny...
That is very funny!!!
Oh yes! I had two girlfriends by the same name. I typed an email to the one friend regarding the other friend; telling her how I hated it when she called me at work and talked and talked about stuff I cared nothing about, wasted my time, and pissed me off constantly with her bad behavior. After I hit send I realized I had sent it to the girl I was trashing! Of course I had to pretend it was the other girl I was talking about - thank God they had the same name and also knew about each other but weren't friends themselves!
Classic!!! :D
I'm sure Dream Works is delighted to have Michelle because she is sooo charming. So cute! LOL
ha hilarious! i am guilty of the send the wrong text! Super embarresing sent a text to my ex boyf instead of my friend asking "can i hang at urs this weekend" the following weekend?!Ex-Boyf was like "eh ok" CRINGE!i didn even respond!
OMG!!! I know I have sent out at least one email that was totally to the wrong person.
Thankfully, never while at work, but from home .... oh yeah....
I have used the line:
"I reserve the right to be a dork, and as such, make mistakes in marking the wrong box to select an email address."
Oh man, I know exactly what you mean! One time my friend and I were having a conversation about how hot our teacher was, which we hoped on our lives no one would find out about. It just so happens that I'm careless, and as fate's cruel nature would have it, I pressed the wrong button and all of our embarrassment and shame was sent to everyone on my address list - all 124, including my friends, whom were students at the same school, family, and even my PARENTS! It was the most humiliating thing that has ever happened to me. Literally. Not to mention, some black-hearted teenage soul printed out a copy and put it in the teacher's box at school. I couldn't look up for weeks, therefore, the gum-stained cement floor became very familiar to me.
Technology is wonderful, but it does have its way of kicking you in the ass once in awhile.
Great post, Working Girl. Beautiful layout.
What makes that email even funnier is that it is a Dreamworks Studios email. The same Dreamworks that was founded by Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen.
At my old company a lot of changes were about to happen and my friend and I were speculating via email about what was going to happen-- I'm not sure how it happened, but I emailed my boss our thread. I was typing his name right before I sent the email and before I knew it it was off in his mailbox.
He was really awesome about it, but it could have been BAD news.
Ohmigod. I'd be mortified. Wow. Absolutely mortified.
that's amazing. going to the hanson shows in Oct? haha
I sent an e-mail to by then-boyfriend about our relationship problems and poured my heart out, explaining what was wrong. I sent it one of the 'groups' I'd saved, which happened to be my co-workers.
Oh man do I miss that unsend button!!
I was joking with a coworker through email about how our boss loves to have a "liquid lunch" and I accidently emailed it to him.
Fortunately for me he had a good sense of humor about it.
wow ----- I am speechless!
I'm on an email list that includes just about every person in my industry. Seriously, everybody. In the industry. Somebody sent an article to everyone on the list and I meant to forward it to a coworker telling him "this would be good to look into for our project with ____"... but I accidentally hit "reply" and sent my note about our confidential project to the whole list. The. Whole. List. I freaked out. Come to think of it, still am mortified about it. But I still have my job, and my pretty cubicle by the window...
That is ridiculously funny and embarrassing. Another, not so serious holiday is Hannukah (8 days long)and a girl who sits next to me at work, said we should totally get all 8 days off of work / school. (funny thing is we work at a Jesuit University...and she was serious!)
I texted drunk this weekend to three of my ex-boyfriends. I so wish my phone had an "Unsend" button...
Absolutely in love with the Hanson reference.
Even more in love with the "unsend" reference. I absolutely remember sending those EXACT e-mails and thinking those exact thoughts! Oh how I miss AOL and my profound screen names like Sunni86, Pepper814, Pebblez312..... yes, I was one of those obnoxious people that changed screen names like underwear. So sue me.
Anyone heard of some dude named Yom Kippur?
LOL!!! this the funniest thing I've seen all day!
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