Belle du Jour is a nom de plume for a London call girl who began blogging daily about her work. Much like we do here on Working Girl, only we work in cubicles and she often works in hotels. And there's that whole getting paid to sleep with strangers thing, we don't do that.
Her posts were made a book of the same name, although when a UK television show based on the book chose the title "Secret Diary of a London Call Girl" the book was re-released with the same name.

Belle, like us Working Girls, deals with a boss (her agents), coworkers (other call girls that she runs in
to) and clients (the men paying for sex). Her boss is a former call girl who doesn't listen when she says that she just woke up and cannot meet a client in 15 minutes. The lucky girl that she is, she doesn't have to deal with coworkers all that often. And her clients, much like the ones we deal with, some of them know what they want and some don't. Some are submissive and some are aggressive. Some like to play games and some are to the point. Her experiences are everything from embarrassing to hysterical.
"The Secret Diary of a London Call Girl" is a fun and candid view into a life most of us would never think to experience. Not all Working Girls are sitting at desks from 9 to 5 and Belle sure makes us aware of that.
So go indulge and lose yourself in a completely differently lifestyle by reading about Belle's unique lifestyle. But keep in mind this book is NSFC: Not Safe For Commuting. Fellow commuters may look over your shoulder and see the words "cock," "nipple," and "orgasm." That's just awkward.
Hey - just wanted to say, I love your blog. As an office girl on the other side of the pond, it's nice to know someone else is experiencing the highs and lows!
The TV show in the UK was actually just called "Secret Diary of a Call Girl", though. I guess London is so obsessed with London over here, they don't feel like they need to point out the location...
I read this on the train and it was definitely awkward - the only thing that would've made it more graphic is the addition of diagrams.
I'm always paranoid when reading on the train. I feel like people are looking over my shoulder, and I wouldn't blame them because I do it too! You've sparked my interest, I'll be checking this book out soon!
Sounds interesting...will have to check it out. :)
I say, if my co-commuters choose to peek into my book over my shoulder, they deserve seeing all those words and diagrams!
Off to check out Belle's site now...
Thought I'd visit and see what an established blog looks like, since I started writing mine not long ago, with help from a talented young sports writer. ( Your blog looks great! Did you know that "Belle de Jour" is the name of a 1967 Luis Bunuel movie starring the gorgeous Catherine Deneuve?
She still looks great ... must have had a lot of work done. The movie, about a frigid housewife who spends afternoons as a prostitute, is quite risque! It's based on a 1928 novel.
I heard about the TV show. It's great that she's so candid with her profession--its' really interesting for those of us in a 9-5 office!
Don't know if I could handle this. After reading Diablo Cody's - A year in the life of an unlikely stripper...I'm totally grossed out by books like this. I literally felt like showering after finishing that book. And fyi: I read it on the subway everyday and would smile inwardly at peoples expressions of the book I was reading.
I've seen this show a couple times, but for whatever reason, it's always the same 2 or 3 episodes.... I have my PVR set to record it, but always repeats :( Any idea why?
Good on you for featuring this fun show/book!
I feel that someone is performing the awkward act of reading over a stranger's shoulder deserves whatever awkwardness they read :)
Thanks for the fun blog!
Oh that sounds great to read! I love getting the chance to get a glimpse into the way other people live. Thanks!
Oh and have I metioned lately that I love your blog! Working girls in NY are nothing like the ones here! Yet another chance to glimpse how other people live!
Great post Working Girl. I think its good for people to step out of their every-day lives and see what other people are doing to pay the rent. I think books like this do an amazing job of reminding us that no matter what profession we're in or how much money we make we're all dealing with essentially the same problems. Bosses, Coworkers, Demanding Clients, Inadequate Pay/Benefits. The list goes on. No matter your problem or complaint, you're definitely not alone with it.
have checked out the belle de jour site and its a wicked read!!
I love the show... sadly I don't have Showtime, so I have to catch it when I'm over at my best friend's house. I can't wait to read the book!
"cock," "nipple," and "orgasm.
To be honest, I think Belle du Jour is overrated. Your blog is MUCH better.
Yeah I think i might check it out!It sounds funny! I can imagine what behind the cover.
Yeah, its just called "Secret Diary of a Call Girl" over here...I'm in scotland. It's pretty good!
I love your blog!!
I actually own this book. It was all right -- if you pick it up for the scandalous topic, it definitely delivers. Wow. I actually took to telling people I was reading a book about a high class prostitute before they could look over my shoulder and go, "BLARGH! Why are you reading a book about fisting?!?!"
Hey, the other day I saw a guy reading "How to Quit Drugs for Good". If you like reading about sex without the inuendo, own it!
i loved watching it, didnt read the blogs though
nim said...
it will surely be very different from the literaturez that we are used to reading...
will check out soon... :)
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