Every day, I walk into work and wait at the bank of elevators downstairs to take me up to floor 9 where I will begin my work day.
Every day, I wait and pray and pray with all my might that I won't get the one elevator without Captivate Network inside its doors. Captivate Network, if you're listening, I would love if you would pay me for this endorsement. I love your product. If I owned a building, I would put you in all my elevators. But since I am poor and own no buildings (come on now, you all know I barely own food), I cannot buy you. But I will enjoy you to your fullest.
Quick explanation for those of you without Captivate. Some elevators in this world are privileged. This means that their owners went out and decided, "Hey, we'd really love to give those who ride our elevators day in and out a treat." So they called Captivate Network and had tiny televisions installed in each elevator. And voila! Now we have little TV's to help us avoid awkwardly talking to people we don't know on our way down to grab a sandwich at lunch time.
I know some of these tiny TV's can be actual TV's with newsfeed from CNN or whatever, but I think I prefer this more. See these little TV's give us tiny snippets of information that leave us wanting more. For example, I found out today that Alyssa Milano is engaged. How did I find out? From Captivate Network's gossip news! I also found out that it's going to snow Friday (boo!), that unemployment is way up (duh), and that some sports team beat another sports team at some sport (yea, sorry, I could care less).
Point being, this little TV brings me immense joy in the middle of a boring day or a hectic day or just a day when I need to know the weather and my Internet is down because I kicked some wires under my desk taking out my Internet with my swift karate kicks and thought that the whole server was down and went complaining to anyone who would listen that the server was down when it wasn't (true story).
As I mentioned above, there is one lone elevator in my building that does not have a tiny TV with Captivate Network. And everyone avoids this car like the plague. Including myself. Sorry elevator, I don't know why but you weren't cool enough to have a tiny TV and therefore are a loser elevator.
So in short, I have somehow become addicted to a tiny TV in an elevator at work. And the fact that I'm even writing this down makes me pathetic.
That is all.
This makes me wish I had elevators at my work and I wasn't afraid of small spaces. Especially with strangers.
Oh btw, I have totally kicked my wires under my desk and my computer died and I cursed up a storm. Talked to my IT guy and he was busy and turns out it was just my spikey heels ruining things for me.
Yes. I am obsessed as well! There is no better feeling than being at a bar later that night when a boy brings up the specific topic you saw in Captivate.
"Detroit is first ranked in the hockey league" - wait? Did I say that? How did I know that? Yep - thank you Captivate.
No. You are not pathetic at all!!
I would avoid that lone elevator like the plague too! Come on all the other ones bring me gossip and news that it can't who could pass that up!
That's such a great idea! What a life-saver.
Definitely a good idea indeed! Unforntunately, the elevator in my workplace is extremely old and rarely works. Also, if we had captivate, I'm sure more student would just happen to be injured so they could obtain an elevator pass. I wouldn't blame them either!
That is so funny!
I have never heard of anything like that.
Makes sense though...
Somebody, somewhere thought to themselves, "Elevators can be awkward" and then made billions on this idea!
; - )
Bridget Marie
How did people live before Captivate Network? I need my word of the day!!!
I love Captivate! I am obsessed with their random facts page. Great conversation starters. And I agree with Lori about people bringing up things they read in the elevators because that has totally happened to me!
If it's good for nothing else, it's awesome to end those awkward moments :)
that's totally awesome. I want one.Oh yeah, and Ido that same thing to my Internet about twice a week.
I have to agree - only thing I look forward to in my 11 floor elevator ride. It's truly Captivating.. or maybe that's just because we're locked in a tiny steel box. :)
I wish i lived in a big enough city to have buildings that have more than 2 floors to justify Captivate Network in the elevator. Cool idea!
That would be lifesaving to have at my work but knowing the heads here they would still talk to you like you weren't watching anything!
This is such a sweet post! I've never heard of this little tv in an elevator??? Then again, my office is on the ground floor....
...and thanks to WG and Captivate, I now know that it is going to snow on Friday! But Darn - I am flying that day! :-(
Do you ever purposely skip your floor to watch this tiny TV?
A sure sign you're an addict.
I have jinxed myself.
My elevator today had a frozen Captivate. It has been taken Captive (corny).
Same elevator at lunch, still frozen.
You are such a great writer! Nobody else could make that such a fun post. I would avoid the loser elevator too.
:o this makes me wish I went to work! tiny lil tv's??? my god! it's genius!
Just started reading the blog and wanted to say how much I am loving it! I'm a bit jealous about this post though. I'm living in Madrid, Spain working as an ESL assistant so I haven't experienced Capitavate Network yet. Sounds really cool! Keep up the great posts!
you ladies are great! it totally made my day that you are enjoying the network :)
you all should check out our blogs if you have a chance:
again, thanks :)
-captivate editor amber
my company needs this!!
we have 10 floors - we own the entire building, so every single time i get into the elevetor its with someone i "work" with. wether or not i actually really do work with them, i still think i do.
but no one ever talks to each other. we all just stare at the numbers or our feet.
we def need the tvs.
Wow, I work in an office and ride the elevator uncomfortably everyday. That would be awesome if there was a TV in it! I've never heard of such a thing!
This one time I went out of the subway, across the street into my office, and into the elevator to read on captivate that a bomb went off outside of our office. I thought that was pretty crazy. Although cops and blocked off streets are kind of normal in NYC so you never really know when someone really wrong happened sometimes.
I have never seen one before but will be on the look out! Thanks for sharing.
i have captivate in the elevator of my work building as well and i just have to say it is agreeably one of the best things that was ever invented! =D
Dear Working Girl,
I wanted to chime in and personally thank you for the kudos last week! Viewer feedback like this makes our day. It’s what motivates us to keep improving our services, content and network. Viewers like you make up a growing community of people with shared news and entertainment experiences , so your feedback is always welcomed and encouraged. We will also take your advice and try and convert that “loser” elevator into a Captivate elevator sometime soon so you don’t have to scramble in the morning to get in the right car at your office building. Thanks again for being a part of our growing Captivate Community.
Mike DiFranza
President & Founder
So funny ! hahaha I do not have lift in my office but definitely I would love one.
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