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Meeting Notes
Meeting Notes is a weekly feature. Here we will dish on tidbits, news, and important things we think you Working Girls should know. So scroll down to hear what we think you should glean from this work week.
- I have an unhealthy obsession with Target and to make it even worse, Target has officially announced that the Alexander McQueen for Target line will be coming out March 1st. I fully intend to sleep outside the night before so I can snag some of this hot new line.
- According to the Wall Street Journal, women only make up less than 20% of today's executive MBA enrollment (and at some programs that number can be less than 5%). Schools across the country are now trying to combat these numbers by being more attractive to females. Cornell has gone to great lengths to bring more women into the program by changing the face of their advertisements to women, creating personal networks to lure women, and change classroom-time requirements. Cornell, here I come!

- Having a hard time finding a job in this economy? The New York Post suggests turning to that job that got you movie money in junior high, clothes money in high school and got you beer money in college. Yep, turn back to baby-sitting. Or as the wealthy call it - become a nanny. Apparently the cream of the crop nannies can make up to a whopping $1,500 a week. Which almost makes me want to quit my job.
- I just happened upon this commercial for Australian vacations and I'm not gonna lie, it kinda disturbed me. The whole premise of the ad is that this working woman has lost herself and her relationship because she is an executive of a company (which of course can happen). But am I living in a dream world when I say I hope that we can have it all? Job, relationship and a life. Ok, I agree. We all need a vacation every once and while, but I think this message came on a little too strong. As in, women can't handle it all. The ad reads: "She arrived as Ms. K Mathieson, Executive VP of Sales. She departed as Kate." Oh, and the little girl/boy (I can't tell), kinda creeped me out.
I couldn't read any more after Alexander McQueen will be in target March 1st. I nearly feel out of my seat with joy!!!
Have a good weekend!
Hmmm, that commercial is pretty freakin creepy. I was waiting for something to jump out at me lol. Oz is that kind of place though, not creepy, but very care free!
What were you watching when that commercial came on?
I'm a LOST devotee, and the first time I saw that commercial was during their recap a few weeks across. For those who don't know, LOSTs surrounds a plane crash that happened on the way FROM Australia. The idea of a walkabout is also prominent for a character. The ad has a lot of subtle allusions to the show, and I think is made to appeal to those fans.
They also ran one for Hawaii--where the show is filmed--that used footage a LOST fan would recognize.
So other than enlightening everyone on the cultural ramifications of LOST, this post is meant to show how crazy smart advertisers are. Freaks me out...
Until I got a job 2 months ago, I babysat to make money. Not only was it an amazing and easy job, it paid so well. I mean you can't beat instant cash and no taxes. Things have changed since I was 13! I actually still babysit for one of the families about twice a month and use that money for the bars. One good site to check out is I think it's Chicago based only, but it's how I found my jobs.
Hi, I'm actually from Australia and the ad links to the movie "Australia". It was made by the same director and uses the same little boy that appears in the movie. Also I don't see the ad as portraying woman can't have everything. I see it that people get so wrapped up in trying to achieve everything they forget to take time for themselves. That sometimes you need to get away from your real life to get back to the real you.
I think it's a little boy, and yes, he's very creepy. This commercial is awful. Am I the only person who thought his footprints looked like dog poop?
That commercial is truly bizarre. Australia looks beautiful, but why was all of that in the add? And I have to agree, that child was seriously creepin.
Yep the ad pissed me off! Yes the footprint looks like dogie doo!
Maybe they chose the Exec to be female as it's women that book the holidays??
I love Australia I have family there but this ad does nothing for me... It doesn't do Australia justic really.
There is more to women than their relathionships! The ad seems to fly in the face of that.
I want a Target here. But apparently we're getting a Super WalMart so that will have to do for now.
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