I have confessed many a time that I am a huge lurker. I'm not a good commentor (one of my New Year's resolutions!), so this is the perfect week for me to start. And it's the perfect time for you to start too!
WG1 and I read our Google Analytics. We know there are a lot of you out there lurking and we'd love to meet you! So leave us a comment or e-mail us.
You know you want to!
I'm a long time lurker! I love reading your posts and as a fellow working girl I can totally relate to a lot of what you say.
Hi...my name is Constance and I'm a lurker! The first step is admitting you have a problem, right? :)
Okay, guilty as charged. I love your blog, but I don't think I've commented because I'm like that nerdy girl in junior high who is afraid of the popular girls. But yah, love you guys!
Hey girls! Love your blog. Mostly your reviews of The City (who doesn't love Whitney?). I also find myself wondering who has time to have pre-work breakfast chats with their friends.
well I think I've commented a few times, so maybe not a complete delurking.. but yeah! Hi I read your blog and love it :)
I've commented before, but not in a while....so I figured I would stop by and say hey!
And that man in the delurking picture is kind of creepy, haha.
I'm a semi-lurker. I've commented a handful of times, but I read everday! It sure feels good to delurk.
Well, hi. :) I'm a delurker, as well, and a very enthusiastic reader, as well!
I was wondering, though, do schoolgirls count as working girls, too?
I need help! I activated a Google Analytics thing for my website but I don't know where to paste the code. I tried to follow their 'help' instructions and I pasted the code right before the 'body thing' that they described but my status is still showing a "tracking not installed message"
What am I doing wrong?
JustCasey, when I installed ours I wasn't sure if i did it correctly so I emailed the Google Analytics people. Then, it worked!
Can't remember if I have commented on here or not! But love this blog! More drunken nights with coworkers. Love those stories. I live vicariously!
I'm not really a lurker, but I don't comment as much as I'd like to. I'll try to get better *promise!*
i confess! :) hi to both of you! i love reading your blog.
delurking!! love the blog :]
I think I've commented once or twice, but I'll still come out as a lurker : ) you girls are great!
Hi... I'm guilty! I just love your office stories. I'm a former working girl and can totally relate, especially with the posts on all the different office personalities :)
Hi! I'm NikeGirl! I'm a lurker and I love your blog. I actually just ran into it this past week or so. I read some archives and can't wait for more!
I'm a lurker....Ms. Homeowner from Canada (aka the Great White North) here!
I started reading your blog because I was looking for advice on how to deal with a job that you hated!
Keep the posts coming!
I've written a comment or two before, but delurking is just way too much fun to pass up. Keep up the great writing - you're on my favs list.
I was never a lurker, but hi! here i am!
Hellooooo...I comment from time to time but always enjoy reading your stories.
I SOOOO wish I knew about this day!!!
What a fab blog you've got here. Hope to see you around. :)
I just jumped on your bandwagon.
You'll see me pop up from time to time.
If you ever want to read about NOT WORKING... my blogs the one for you.
I've been a lurker since last summer! I luv your site, especially the fashion posts :)
I think I may have posted a comment here once or twice before, just want to say I love your blog! I am a fellow working girl and feel like I can really relate to your stories!
Actually, I really like it when you do the different "Working Girl" stories from all different peoople in different industries/jobs/etc...!
I've commented before, but not for awhile. I love reading what you ladies are up to and look forward to continuing reading you in the future!
hello hello!! I'm a huge lurker, but I'll comment every now and again. I love your blog and always look forward to your new posts! Keep up the good work! :)
i love love love your blog... i'm lurking as we speak (as you read?)!!!
I'm so guilty of this on like 10 different blogs, but yours is definitely one I hope to see updates on daily! I just joined the blogging world a couple weeks ago, so it's not that awful that this is my first time commenting, is it?
I, too, love your recaps of The City, I have yet to watch it, but don't think its necessary after hearing your play by plays...love it!
I'm a long time lurker too! I'm a working girl too! Love your blog, HATE The City, ha.
I have commented before so I'm not sure if I should be considered a lurker or not.
Okay. I am.
Not sure if I've ever commented or not, but I've been reading regularly for about a month now, and sporadically for a couple past that. I think you both are hilarious, and I work events at MY job so sometimes I just feel like I can share in the frustrations and joys :)
Probably 95% lurker, 5% commenter.
Sending you delurking love from KS.
Hey Working Girls! I found your blog after WG2's story of meeting Hanson (love!)
I love your blog since I'm also 23 and a working girl in advertising. I can relate to just about everything but the freezing weather, haha.
I usually try to comment.... but at times I lurk as well!..... I am a follower does that count? lol anyway lurking: I think we all do from time to time! Love the blog! :)
a total long time lurker - love you guys! you make me laugh & love reading what you have to say. :)
Another lurker here too...!
Hi there, Sarah here. Love to read your blog, your professional life is so completely different than mine, so interesting!! And hilarious :)
i don't remember if i've commented or not. so hi!
Hi! My name is Chiara and I love reading your blog. Also lve the graphics/layout!
Lurker here, de-lurking... I adore this blog, it's one of my regular stops across the web.
Love your site, gals! I'm a lurker too, so don't feel bad!!
Am I the only guy who reads your blog, or the only one who admits to it?
I find your stories of workplace drama and the career rollercoaster more entertaining than any TV shows trying to portray that. Hmm... maybe you need to be a reality show.
Full-time Lurker, part-time commenter. Commentor? Either way.
Always enjoy reading your blog girls, I'll be going into my first real job-job in May with Sherwin Williams. While it's more of a mixing paint, uniform type job (with Management training), within 6 weeks I'll be an assistant manager and begin climbing my way up the corporate ladder.
It's always amusing to read your blog, and see what sort of hurdles and possibilities I may have in front of me when I finally walk across the stage and begin my life. You girls are very talented, smart but always real. I think your readers would agree.
Keep it up!
I just found your blog :)
I sometimes lurk....
I check your blog often and its good for a quick lunch-hour read.
Am I too late? Can I be the first to delaurk for next year?
I confess, I lurk all the time. I love your blog!
Consider me delurked! It feels so good to finally get that out :)
I there,, I'm a lurker.. recently became a follower. Great blog - it is somewhat addictive.
I'm the non-working girl blog in NYC. (as in - still can't find a job). You guys remind me a lot of myself at times in the office when I was in my 20s.
Congrats on a very successful blog!
-Alexa tudorcitygirl.blogspot.com
a working girl/mama here. i have worked in pr/marketing, event planning, and (currently) in advertising. i love empathizing and share many giggles over similar experiences. thanks for blogging.
so, i don't know how i stumbled upon your blog but i have been lurking for the past year. i didn't even realize you had updated your blog until recently because for some reason i was only seeing the december '08 posting. anyway, i love your blog! i teach a women and the media class and had my students visit your blog.
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