Anyway, on to my point. So today was a really, really hectic day. I leave on Sunday for Atlanta where I will be putting on my first event for my company. Can we say scary? So not only was today hectic, but I had to bring work home. In short, I'm tired and I really just want to veg and watch TV and eat red velvet cupcakes (thanks sis for baking for me!).
And then I realized, 'Well, we have received a lot of awards lately. Maybe we should do the nice thing and say thanks.'
Back in September (yes, I told you we were behind), My Life in Scotland, cited us as her newest "Blog Crush". We're touched! I have to admit that I am a subscriber of this fantastic blog - I love hearing all about her adventures in Scotland. I'm jealous of her European here I go...I'm taking the plunge and asking if I can move in? No...ok.
In December, her name was ashley honored us with the Butterfly Award. So here's my next big confession, I'm a big lurker on a lot of blogs and Ashley's is one of them. Sorry I don't comment more - but it's one of my New Year's resolutions so look out for me! I love her outfit posts (I'm Gap obsessed too) and in general I feel like we'd really get along in real life (so I officially feel like a stalker!!!).

We also received some blogger love from *Just Jen* over at Because I Could Never Keep Up With a Diary! Thank you so much! We just found her blog and will definitely be checking back for more.

Sex on the Beach was one of the first blogs I ever read. Seriously, I fell in love at first blog. J is hilarious, tells some of the most entertaining stories, and is one very honest blogger. So thank you from Working Girl for the recognition and honor of being one of your faves too!

And last but not least, one of our newer readers Jessica at Happy Girls are the Prettiest Girls gave us the award below. I just started reading her blog today, but already I am sure we are gonna be bff (she also lurves The Bachelor!). So thank you for this generous accolade!

So a big thank you, thank you, thank you for all the awards! And now I must go back to stuffing my face with cupcakes, watching One Tree Hill (wtf is going on with this show!), and finishing up my (home)work for tomorrow.
I love Intervention, not too many people I know watch it!
OMG! I freaked when I saw my blog on yours!? I thought,"is there another My Life in Scotland?!"
You can come for a visit anytime! We have tons of friends sleep in our tiny flat!
I just found your blog and I can tell I LOVE IT! You are cracking me up chica! Keep blogging and I will very happily keep on smiling. :)
You are so welcome ladies!
love, love, love <33
can i confess that i am a TAD bit obessed with GG? OH! and now the City is on mondays too! gosh, you have no idea how much i love guilty pleasures =]
Okay - watched The City (not cool)...are you girls excited that Belle is back?
Lovin it.
Love your blog and love your stories/advice/tips.
Happy New Year and Good luck in the ATL - you'll love it. Veg out when you get home.
Enjoy your trip to Atlanta! It's been wet and rainy here but still no real need for heavy coats or anything of the such!
Congratulations on the popularity! Also, I'm addicted to Intervention. I should go on that show to have my family and friends force me into rehab to stop watching it.
I love GG and One Tree Hill!
It is always an adventure finding my favorite American TV shows online to watch, since I live abroad.
Good luck with everything in Atlanta!
Yay! Congrats on all the recognition. You guys deserve it! And yay for Monday TV!!
Congrats on the awards!
I completely agrees, Mondays are the best night for television. Have you watched Samantha Who on ABC? Christina Applegate is HILLARIOUS!
add 'diettribe' on lifetime to that list...because after everything my friends and i put in our bodies between NYE and yesterday, we could use some Jessie Pavelka in our lives.
also, i do love intervention, but they sorta lost me at 'boy who won't take his insulin.'
Have fun in Atlanta. I am from there. And if you need a place for post work drinks...go to Virginia Highlands. There are awesome bars and restaurants in this little neighborhood.
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