Friday, April 18, 2008

Bye, Bye Miss Chair Model Lady

"Hello Oscar Meyer Wiener-lover. I bet, that you have a bunch of very liberal girl-type friends, who trust you implicitly, because they know you'd never touch them given your condition." -Michael Scott

Michael Scott is single and has decided to swear off women (or rather just one woman and that woman is Jan). "Ladies and gentlemen, would you please open your supply catalogs and turn to page 85?" So begins Michael's search for a new passionate love affair. Three weeks ago Michael was supposed to pick a new chair to purchase for his office, but his recent break-up from Jan has left him pining over 'chair model lady' on page 85 - a woman who he claims is professional with a light in her eyes who looks like she would love to curl up on a couch. To me, she looks like a girl that got fired during my first week of work for being on Gmail too much (which scared me off Google Talk for a good two weeks).

This brings us to Michael's great plan of having each of his employees write the name of a eligible bachelorette that he can call to go out with on an index card. Insert Kevin's witty answer of his good friend Wendy, a hot and juicy redhead, who turns out to be the fast food restaurant chain. Sidenote: I think if Kevin and I could just meet once we'd be bosom buddies in no time that could enjoy snacking on Frosty's and baked potatoes.

Out of pity (or perhaps just to get Michael to choose which chair he wants to purchase so she can get his swivel, high backed office chair for herself), Pam sets Michael up with her landlady. Of course, Michael acts with the decorum of a -- actually, I don't know even how to describe him on his blind date with Margaret. I mean, he said she was like talking to a 'sweet old lady on the bus'. Oh, Michael, how you entertain me.

While Michael is out meeting Pam's landlady, Dwight has promised to bring the chair model lady to Michael so that she "can bear his fruit". Turns out (after much investigation), that Deborah Shoshlefski a.k.a. Chair Model Lady died in a car accident while driving stoned. To get closure, Michael and Dwight visit her grave site. Bye, bye Miss Chair Model Lady.

Subplot that made me laugh: Kevin & Andy's mission to get their parking spots back. I would love to see more of these "Five Families" of the five companies in the office building in later episodes -- particularly Paul Faust or "Cool Guy Paul".

Subplot that made me tear up: Jim is planning on proposing to Pam. Is it true that all my dreams could come true? I hope there are many more "will you wait for me to tie my shoe?" moments to come this season!

And later, I'm stopping at Starbucks and ordering a large hot chocolate with caramel and a shot of mint.


Anonymous said...

It was wonderful to see Michael so very transparent to all of the office, yet so abtuse. "I want to play ball with my kids and before I can do that I need to get LAID and before that, I need to fall in love..." That will be a classic line in the years to come.

Anonymous said...

Yummy, hot chocolate with caramel and a shot of mint sounds good. Oh wait, I can make one of those for myself tomorrow at work!

Angela said...

As much as I loved this episode (oh boy, did I) and the Jim/Pam whatnot (eek!)...

When the episode was over, I couldn't help but think, "Oh no... This isn't going to end well..."

They showed us that he bought the ring so that it'll be more heart-breaking when it doesn't work out.

Essentially Me said...

That was one of the best episodes I've seen!

Anonymous said...

Love. This. Blog.

Anonymous said...

Great blog...this episode was my personal favorite. I loved the new characters from the five families.....but then again...I am a bit biased.

Anonymous said...

Just stumbled upon your blog and I'm loving it! Anyone who pays this much attention to the office gets an A+ from me.

(by the way, my husband and I have been calling everyone Oscar Meyer Weiner Lovers all week, haha)